How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 6/e
Jack R. Fraenkel,
San Francisco State University Norman E. Wallen,
Professor Emeritus San Francisco State University
ISBN: 0072981369 Copyright year: 2006
Student Mastery Activities Book, with over 100 activities that allow students to practice with key concepts explained in the text
Student Research Companion CD-ROM with study resources such as the student study guide with audio clips; practice resources including SPSS and Excel data sets and data analysis examples; and research resources such as a statistics programs and applets, a Research Wizard, a listing of professional journals, the Bibliomaker citation engine, an Internet primer, and The McGraw-Hill Guide to Electronic Research
Online Learning Center featuring a student study guide and online resources including the password-protected PowerWeb
PowerWeb, free with every new copy of the text, offers a searchable database of current online journal articles from sources like Phi Delta Kappan, Educational Leadership, Educational Researcher, and Childhood Education, as well as a 24-hour newsfeed: visit!
SPSS 13.0 Student Software pack, available for packaging at a reduced price
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (with Instructor’s Manual, test bank, PowerPoint slides)
CPS (Classroom Performance System) by eInstruction content
Blackboard and WebCT cartridges
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