1 |  |  Experimental research is unique in that it is the only type of research that directly attempts to influence a particular variable, and it is the only type that, when used properly, can really test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
2 |  |  Experiments differ from other types of research in two basic ways: comparison of treatments, and the manipulation of one or more dependent variables by the researcher. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
3 |  |  A single group is exposed to a treatment or event, and its effects are assessed. This describes static-group comparison design. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
4 |  |  Three weak designs that are occasionally used in experimental research are the one-shot case study design, the one-group pretest-posttest design, and the static-group design. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
5 |  |  Several stronger designs that are more commonly used are true experimental designs, matching designs, counterbalanced designs, time-series designs, and factorial designs. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
6 |  |  A researcher would be likely to use a static group design when it is difficult to manipulate the independent variable. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
7 |  |  Using the one-group pretest-posttest design, the threat of mortality cannot be determined. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
8 |  |  Using the factorial without randomization design, instrument decay is the threat to internal validity least likely to occur. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
9 |  |  To increase the likelihood that groups of subjects will be equivalent, pairs of subjects may be matched on certain variables. The members of the matched groups are then randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
10 |  |  The randomized Solomon four-group design involves random assignment of subjects to four groups, with two being pretested and two not. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |