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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Participation in action research can vary from
A)providing information to analyzing data.
B)collecting data to writing the report.
C)analyzing data to reviewing interpretations.
D)providing information to designing the study.
Of the following questions, which one does not lend itself to action research in schools?
A)How can academic content be presented so as to maximize understanding?
B)How can teachers encourage students to think about important issues?
C)How can parents become more involved in their child's education?
D)How did students in the nineteenth century travel to school?
The four steps involved in action research are
A)identifying the research problem or question, analyzing and interpreting the information that has been gathered, developing a plan of action, testing the hypotheses.
B)testing the hypotheses, developing a plan of action, checking other research findings, obtaining the necessary information to answer the questions.
C)identifying the research problem or question, analyzing and interpreting the information that has been gathered, developing a plan of action, obtaining the necessary information to answer the questions.
D)analyzing and interpreting the information that has been gathered, developing a plan of action, obtaining the necessary information to answer the questions, writing up the results.
Which of the following is not an advantage of action research?
A)It can improve educational practice.
B)The results are widely generalizable.
C)It can be carried out by an individual teacher in a classroom.
D)It can build up a small community of research-oriented individuals within a school.
Which of the following is not one of the four steps in action research?
A)identifying the research problem
B)obtaining the necessary information to answer the question
C)developing a plan of action
D)developing a professional measurement instrument
Which of the following assumptions does not underlie action research?
A)Teachers and other education professionals have authority to make decisions.
B)Teachers and other education professionals want to improve their practice.
C)Teachers and other education professionals can and will engage in systematic research only if they are given adequate time and additional pay.
D)Teachers and other education professionals are committed to continued professional development.
Which of the following is a similarity between action research and formal quantitative and qualitative research?
A)Little formal training is required to conduct these studies.
B)Intent is to investigate larger issues.
C)They are very rigorous.
D)Systematic inquiry is utilized.
What are the two main types of action research?
A)practical and participatory
B)survey and participatory
C)practical and content analysis
D)historical and ethnographic
Of all threats to internal validity that researchers must be mindful of protecting against, which threat should action researchers especially be aware of?
A)instrumentation decay
B)data-collector bias
C)maturation threat
Which of the following is an advantage of action research?
A)It has to be conducted by skilled professional researchers.
B)It does not help teachers or professionals develop more effective ways to practice their craft.
C)It can help teachers identify problems and issues systematically.
D)It is not generalizable.
Which basic assumption underlying action research is not illustrated in the following example: The entire school staff, including administrators, teachers, classified staff, and counselors, go on a retreat to plan a study to improve the attendance and discipline policies for the school.
A)Teachers and other education professionals are committed to continual professional development.
B)Teachers and other education professionals have the authority to make decisions.
C)Teachers and other education professionals can and will engage in systematic research.
D)Teachers and other staff have the necessary research expertise.
Which of the following is an advantage of action research?
A)requires little skill or knowledge
B)The results are widely generalizable.
C)can contribute to basic knowledge
D)It can build up a small community of research-oriented individuals within a school.
Of the following questions, which lends itself best to action research in schools?
A)How can academic content be presented so as to maximize understanding?
B)What is the relationship between the time students are given to complete multiple-choice items and their achievement on those items?
C)How did students in the nineteenth century travel to school?
Which is not a characteristic of Participatory Action Research?
A)it intends to empower individuals and groups
B)it emphasizes collaboration
C)it intends to result in social change
D)it is not subject to political pressures

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