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Multiple Choice Quiz 2
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Choose the best answer

Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the selection?
A)Life is full of annoyances.
B)Most people don't like to complain.
C)It is usually most effective to complain in person or by letter.
D)Complaining succeeds if you know how to complain and whom to complain to.
The best way to complain is to
A)act rudely.
B)be polite but firm.
C)be loud and angry.
D)hire a lawyer.
To get results, complainers should
A)act as if they expect their problem to be fixed.
B)complain only over the phone.
C)never threaten.
D)write long letters.
Successful complainers
A)prefer complaining over the phone.
B)become violent.
C)complain to receptionists.
D)are persistent.
According to the author, companies would rather settle with a complaining customer than go to small claims court.
The author implies that when you write a complaint letter, you should
A)have a lawyer sign it.
B)provide a list of witnesses.
C)use professional stationary.
D)use a little flattery.
We can conclude that small-claims courts
A)are useless.
B)are expensive.
C)are used by ordinary citizens.
D)forbid the use of lawyers.
From the selection, we can conclude that
A)it's our duty to complain.
B)the author is a lawyer.
C)complaining takes effort.
D)receptionists can solve complainers' problems.

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