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Multiple Choice Quiz 7
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Choose the best answer

Which statement best reflects the central point of the selection?
A)Interviewers may ask some difficult and highly personal questions.
B)When going to an interview, dress in business clothing, mentally go over your application or résumé, and go in with a positive attitude.
C)There are several things you can do to make yourself stand out in a positive way at job interviews.
D)Employers may ask you why you left your last job.
What is the main point of paragraph 8 (lines 39-46)?
A)Your answer to the question, "Tell me about yourself" can demonstrate that you are well-organized.
B)You should tell the interviewer where you were born and raised, where your family lives now, and so on.
C)You should have planned and rehearsed your answers to common interview questions.
D)The interviewer may put you down as a scatterbrain.
What statement best expresses the main point of paragraph 13 (lines 67-75)?
A)It is a good idea to back up any mention of your college activities with specific examples of what you did.
B)An interviewer may ask questions such as, "Are you creative?" or "Are you a leader?"
C)You should possess the skills of learning quickly, organizing time efficiently, and being able to solve problems.
D)"Softball" questions give you the opportunity to describe your good points and how they fit the job.
If you were fired from your last job, the author advises you
A)to make sure your interviewer realizes how unfair your former boss was.
B)not to blame anyone for the firing.
C)not to tell the truth, but to convince the interviewer that you quit.
D)to tell the interviewer a lot of people were fired by the same boss.
According to the author, some advantages of arriving early to an interview are:
A)You will not be flustered or late, and you'll have time to review your application or résumé.
B)You will have time for small talk with the interviewer.
C)You will have time to see all the other people applying for the same job.
D)You will have time to check your appearance and speak to the interviewer's secretary.
In the opinion of the author, what do interviewers really want to know when they ask, "Why did you apply for this job?"
A)How much money you want to earn.
B)If you are eager to be hired and will stay with the company.
C)If you are creative and a leader.
D)If you were fired from your last job and are desperate for another one.
In the sentence that follows, what kind of signal word is used to show the relationship of the second sentence to the first?
D)Cause and effect
We can infer from paragraph 11 (lines 54-59) that
A)if you blame someone else for your troubles at work interviewers may think that you may be a difficult employee.
B)most people who quit a job do so because they hate the boss.
C)as long as you are telling the truth, it is all right to tell the whole story of why you were fired or quit.
D)honesty is always the best policy.

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