Gender role | A set of norms, or culturally defined expectations, that define how people of one gender ought to behave.
Stereotype | A generalization about a group of people (e.g., men) that distinguishes them from others (e.g., women).
Socialization | The ways in which society conveys to the individual its norms or expectations for his or her behavior.
Self-disclosure | Telling personal information to another person.
Penile strain gauge | A device used to measure physiological sexual arousal in the male; it is a flexible loop that fits around the base of the penis.
Photoplethysmograph (foh-toh-pleth-ISS-moh-graf) | An acrylic cylinder that is placed inside the vagina in order to measure physiological sexual arousal in the female. Also called a photometer.
Person-centered sex | Sexual expression in which the emphasis is on the relationship and emotions between the two people.
Body-centered sex | Sexual expression in which the emphasis is on the body and physical pleasure.
Transsexual | A person who believes he or she was born with the body of the other gender. See also transgender.
Gender reassignment | The process for transsexuals to change their body to the other gender.
Gender dysphoria (dis-FOR-ee-uh) | Unhappiness with one's gender; another term for transexualism.
Transgender | A category including transsexuals, those who think of themselves as a third gender, transvestites, gender benders, and others.
Male-to-female transsexual (MTF) | A person who is born with a male body but who has a female identity and wishes to become a female biologically in order to match her identity.
Female-to-male transsexual (FTM) | A person born with a female body whose gender identity is male and wishes to undergo gender reassignment.
Gender identity disorder (GID) | A strong and persistent cross-gender identification.
Buccal smear | A test of genetic sex, in which a small scraping of cells is taken from the inside of the mouth, stained, and examined under a microscope.