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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The males of which ethnic group have been stereotyped as asexual, while the women have been stereotyped as exotic sex toys?
A)Anglo Americans
B)African Americans
D)Asian Americans
The process of acculturation to Anglo American society seems to have increased male dominance among which of the following ethnic minority groups?
A)American Indian tribes
B)Mexican Americans
C)Polish Americans
D)Asian Americans
Gender schema theory suggests that gender schemas:
A)lead us to gender-independent thinking.
B)have no relationship to stereotypes.
C)influence how we process information about gender.
D)are unrelated to distortions in recall.
Sub-groups of which larger ethnic group traditionally held relatively egalitarian gender roles?
A)African Americans
B)Anglo Americans
C)American Indians
Which of the following is NOT true of gender role socialization?
A)Gender role socialization is completed by the end of adolescence.
B)The peer group has its strongest influence on gender role socialization during adolescence.
C)Children learn some gender-typed behaviors when adults tell them what is expected of males and females.
D)Children are often rewarded for behavior that is considered appropriate for their gender.
On which indicator or indicators do males consistently score higher than females?
A)Physical aggression.
B)Verbal aggression.
C)Fantasy aggression.
D)All of these.
A review of more than 100 studies of gender differences in sexuality found that the greatest difference between males and females was in the incidence of:
A)sexual intercourse.
C)oral sex.
D)phone sex.
Laboratory research studies on male and female responses to erotic materials have found:
A)consistently large gender differences.
B)explicit sexual materials to be arousing to men, but not to women.
C)that men were often not aware of their own physiological arousal.
D)that while men may be more aroused by erotic materials, the gender difference is not large.
The anatomical explanation for gender differences in sexuality focuses on:
A)the importance of the female breasts in producing sexual arousal.
B)the fact that the penis is external, visible, and has an obvious sexual response.
C)the higher levels of testosterone in males than in females.
D)the ease which most people have in finding a woman's clitoris.
Which of the following is likely to be a factor contributing to male and female differences in sexuality?
A)Women's concern about pregnancy resulting from intercourse.
B)The ease with which most women experience clitoral stimulation from vaginal intercourse.
C)The tendency for women to become "hooked" on masturbation.
D)Women's greater experience with masturbation leading to more comfort in sexual situations with partners.
The book MALE SEXUALITY by Bernie Zilbergeld:
A)says that men are crippled in forming emotional relationships because boys are trained in a male role that discourages the expression of emotions such as tenderness.
B)says that public openness about sex in the media has decreased discomforts and uncertainties about sex in our private lives.
C)is based on survey and laboratory research.
D)argues that fantasies rarely enter into our mental models of sexuality.
The first step in gender reassignment is:
A)hormone therapy.
B)counseling and psychiatric evaluation.
D)the "real-life test."
Which of the following statements is true with regard to causes of transsexualism?
A)John Money cited a critical period during childhood.
B)Biologists have proposed that a male must be both defeminized and masculinized during adolescence.
C)Richard Green believes that the origins lie in parental practices.
D)Gender Identity Disorder is not found in children younger than 9 or 10 years of age.
In 2000 the International Olympic Committee suspended testing female athletes on what gender-related matter?
A)sexual preferences
B)gender verification
C)cross-dressing tendencies
D)gender bias

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