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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond, 5/e

Sharon K. Ferrett

ISBN: 0072986956
Copyright year: 2006

New Features

The fifth edition of Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond has been thoroughly updated and refined based on the many helpful comments and suggestions of adopters and reviewers of the previous edition. Revised with our main objectives in mind, following are a number of features and concepts that are new to this edition.

  • New Student Preface A new preface has been designed that not only walks the student through the numerous beneficial features that reinforces the text’s goals, but also includes “As You Get Started in Your New School: What You Need to Know and Should Not be Afraid to Ask.” This new section helps students to explore the reasons why they are attending college, a checklist of the tasks to accomplish the first week of school, and the critical questions that they should get answers to in their situation and school (derived from the top questions asked of advisors). It also includes information on topics such as graduation requirements, registering, adding and dropping classes, incomplete grades, taking a leave of absence, and transferring. Also included are the Top 50 strategies for success in college.

  • The Adult Learning Cycle Introduced in Chapter 1 and carried throughout each chapter, the Adult Learning Cycle is a five-step process that demonstrates that learning comes from repetition, practice, and recall. This process offers a critical fifth stage not included in other learning theories:
    1. Relate
    2. Observe
    3. Think
    4. Do
    5. Teach
    Each Chapter provides the reader an opportunity to apply the chapter material to the Adult Learning Cycle within a Peak Progress box.

  • The ABCDE Method of Self-Management New to this edition and introduced in Chapter 1, The ABCDE Method of Self-Management will help students manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so they create positive results and achieve goals. This five step process (A-Actual event; B=Beliefs; C=Circumstances; D=Dispute; E=Energized) utilizes visualization to show the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions and empowers the reader to dispel negative thoughts and replace them with realistic and positive thoughts and behaviors.

  • Visualization exercises As the new discussion in Peak Progress 1.1: “Visualization: A Self-Management Tool” in Chapter 1 indicates, visualization is a powerful tool for envisioning success and critically thinking through difficult situations. Each chapter begins with a “Visualization” box that includes new scenarios that students can relate to. The student is then given the opportunity to reflect on personal experiences in the follow-up journal entry. A Revisualization exercise at the end of the chapter then helps the student practice the ABCDE Method of Self-Management to work through difficult situations and determine positive solutions. A chapter Worksheet is provided to record the journal entry and follow-up scenario.

  • Chapter 1: Self-Assessment and Choosing Majors Included is a new discussion defining the characteristics of a peak performer. The discussion of learning styles and personality types has been refined, including a new section on other intelligences. A new discussion of the research of David Kolb is presented along with the introduction of the Adult Learning Cycle.

  • Chapter 2 retitled “Emotional Intelligence: The Essential Personal Qualities” This chapter has been completely reorganized to focus on character first, stressing that good character, integrity, and ethics are the hallmarks of truly successful leaders in both business and the community.

  • Chapter 9 retitled “Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving, with Applications for Math and Science” This chapter has been reorganized and expanded to address achieving personal success in math and science courses. New strategies and examples have been included that allow the student to practice problem solving techniques when solving equations and word problems.

  • Chapter 10: “Health and Stress” Updated to include the latest statistics in regards to drug and alcohol use, as well as a new discussion on addictive behaviors, including gambling and sexual addictions, and resources for help.

  • Chapter 12 retitled “Managing Your Resources” This chapter includes a new section devoted to commuter students, including tips on how to become more active at school and to make the most of your commuting time. Under “Handling Money Wisely,” there is a new section on saving for the future, including the benefits of a 401K or IRA.

  • Chapter 13: “Developing Good Habits” Reorganized to focus on the top ten habits of a peak performer, this chapter shows how to translate and support essential personal qualities with everyday habits.

  • Taking Charge end-of-chapter summary Every chapter now concludes with a summary of the main points presented in the chapter. Written as “I” statements, they reinforce that the chapter presents a number of potential strategies to implement and master.

Ferrett - Peak Performance 5e

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