Peak Performance
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Successful Features
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Table of Contents

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond, 5/e

Sharon K. Ferrett

ISBN: 0072986956
Copyright year: 2006

Successful Features

There are a number of pedagogical features throughout this text that reinforce learning, critical thinking, and the main goals of the text. Every feature has been fine-tuned to more succinctly support the chapter material.

Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)
In 1990, the secretary of Labor appointed the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS). Its purpose was to identify the competencies and skills necessary to achieve success in the workplace. As an educator, your task is to help your students connect school with job success. Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond echoes the massage SCANS gave to educators. SCANS identified three areas of foundation skills that are essential for job success. They are:
  1. Basic Skills Reading, writing, arithmetic, mathematics, and listening and speaking skills.
  2. Thinking Skills Creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  3. Personal Qualities Responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and honesty.
  4. Other SCANS skills and competencies are:

  5. Interpersonal Skills The ability to work on teams, teach others, serve customers, exercise leadership, negotiate, and work with cultural diversity.
  6. Information The ability to acquire, evaluate, organize, maintain, interpret, communicate, and use computers to process information.
  7. Systems The ability to understand, monitor, correct, improve, and design systems.
  8. Resources The ability to manage time, money, materials, facilities, and human resources.
  9. Technology The ability to select, apply, maintain, and troubleshoot technology.
These skills and competencies apply to various jobs in many different occupations. Found on pages xvii-xviii of the text and introduced in Chapter 1, this handy chart includes are the corresponding chapters in this text.

Chapter Objectives
Clear and concise objectives at the beginning of each chapter identify the chapter’s key concepts. Suggest to students that they review the chapter objectives at the end of the class session to see if they have achieved the goals listed.

Each chapter begins with a revised “Visualization” box that includes new scenarios that students can relate to. The student is then given the opportunity to reflect on personal experiences in the follow-up journal entry.

Success Principle
Each chapter begins with a success principle that succinctly communicates the important lesson to be learned from the chapter. The success principles in total provide a unique and powerful guide to striving for success in school, career, and life.

Words to Succeed
Found throughout the text, these quotes provide insight, motivation, and food for thought, and are tied to the chapter’s content. Ask students if they consider them thoughtful, intriguing, or interesting. Suggest that they bring in additional quotes, cartoons, or stories that relate to the chapter’s subject matter.

Personal Performance Notebook
In each chapter, Personal Performance Notebooks link critical thinking and creative problem solving to each major concept presented. Students will grasp that critical thinking is an integral part of all learning and is a significant competence in school and job success. The Personal Performance Notebook exercises that appear in every chapter give opportunities to practice critical thinking and decision-making skills. Spaces are provided for recording answers and thoughts directly within the activity.

Peak Progress
The Peak Progress boxed feature demonstrates the themes and concepts of each chapter and includes helpful suggestions to accelerate and assess progress. These special features help students apply what they have learned and help translate the chapter’s concepts into their daily activities. The experiential approach helps students learn by application.

Peak Tip
Sprinkled through the text’s margins are quick tips for applying the text’s content. These features provide essential tips for achieving success in both school and the workplace.

Tech for Success
Appearing in every chapter, this feature has been updated to offer tips for making the most out of technology applications for both school and on the job. This technology feature gives students hands-on experience in connecting school with the Internet. Exercises and Web sites help students learn how to use the computer and the Internet for researching, writing papers and giving speeches, applying study skills, and for career planning and job searching.

Career in Focus
The Career in Focus features are important for connecting chapter subjects and study strategies to success on the job. This feature provides real-world career profiles that illustrate examples of the relationship between the study skills necessary for college success and the skills needed for career success. Work situations that directly call on chapter skills are highlighted to show the relationship between school and career skills.

Peak Performance Profile
Each chapter presents a noted person in the area of business, education, the arts, or public service. These peak performers have overcome obstacles and challenges to become successful. Students are inspired when they see how others have succeeded. It makes an interesting discussion to look at the qualities that contributed to their success stories. The individuals discussed in these profiles are:

Chapter 1: Christy Haubegger
Chapter 2: Ben Carson
Chapter 3: N. Scott Momaday
Chapter 4: Anna Sui
Chapter 5: Oprah Winfrey
Chapter 6: Albert Gonzales
Chapter 7: Kirk Perron
Chapter 8: Toni Morrison
Chapter 9: Scott Adams
Chapter 10: Lance Armstrong
Chapter 11: Ellen Ochoa
Chapter 12: Condoleezza Rice
Chapter 13: Mia Hamm
Chapter 14: Jerry Yang and David Filo

Taking Charge End-of-Chapter Summary
Every chapter now concludes with a summary of the main points presented in the chapter.

Performance Strategies
Included in every chapter is a recap of the top ten strategies for success in applying the chapter’s concepts.

Review Questions
Each chapter includes five basic questions to help the student review the chapter’s main concepts.

As a follow-up to the initial visualization exercise, this end-of-chapter feature allows the student to practice the ABCDE Method of Self-Management. A chapter Worksheet is provided to record the journal entry and follow-up scenario.

Case Studies
Each case study has two parts, In the Classroom and In the Workplace. The first part of each case study addresses how a student deals with mastering strategies in school; the second part shows how that student reacts to similar challenges on the job. Questions following each section offer opportunities for students to discuss their feelings, fears, and concerns. Many case studies focus on attitude, ethics, diversity, and critical thinking. Many highlight diversity or ethical issues facing students. This feature also connects with issues in the workplace. You may want to have your students discuss the case studies in their small teams or assign some as homework. Ask students to share similar experiences and to defend their answers to the questions asked at the end of each case study. Additional case study opportunities are provided on the text’s website.

Each chapter concludes with numerous activities that are perforated and thumb-tabbed for ease of use. New worksheets have been added to offer more critical thinking opportunities. Many of the useful forms are also available on the book’s website,, so they can be customized. These activities and exercises give students an opportunity to practice essential concepts and apply them in other classes and to their work situations. The applications help students facilitate learning, maintain interest, illustrate the real-world relevance of the course material, and apply what they have learned.

Career Development Portfolio
Found at the end of every chapter, the Career Development Portfolio gives the student the opportunity to track and showcase skills, competencies, accomplishments, and work. Chapter 14: Career Development Portfolio: Connecting School with Career shows the student how to develop a personal Career Development Portfolio and the various elements of the interview process. Each chapter ends with a Career Development Portfolio section designed to help students assess, reflect, and plan for their careers. The goal is to record what they have learned and how they would demonstrate that they have the necessary skills and competencies. These activities provide the foundation for their Career Development Portfolios.

Ferrett - Peak Performance 5e

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