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Escape Velocity Interactive (163.0K) Your mission: to determine how fast to fire a rocket so that it escapes the gravity of its planet. Your tool: the displayed escape velocity calculation (based on Newtonian physics). Your options: choose one of four planets in our Solar System, or make up a new one with radius and mass you choose. Then set an initial velocity and FIRE! Does it matter whether you point the rocket up horizontal or vertical? What will the rocket’s path look like at different velocities? Find out with this Interactive.
While many probes, such as the Voyages, have left the Earth behind, only one program has allowed men to achieve this speed.
We can talk about the escape velocities of objects leaving stars as well as planets. Let's study the speed that particles must be moving to escape our Sun.
This has practical application to the Voyager missions, encounters betwen Earth and passing asteroids and comets, and even to the compositons of atmopsheres of bodies.
When Einstein noted that nothing can exceed the speed of light, 300,000 km/sec, Schwartzschild noted that this also meant that a Black Hole would have around it a radius where light would have to be travelling faster than this to escape, which was impossible.