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Gravity Variations Interactive (663.0K) This Interactive is as much a game as it is an educational experience: you could call it the Isaac Newton Universal Gravitation Challenge. Place yourself on the Sun, the Moon, or any of the planets, and fire a cannonball with such precision that its trajectory lands it on a target. You’re trying to balance the force of gravity, which depends on the size and mass of the world on which you stand (or hover, for worlds with no solid surface). Now, choose your world, feel the force, and fire!
Newton found the surface gravity of a planet depended both on its size and its mass. Here we will explore a variety of planetary gravity fields and the g forces involved which will help determine their atmopsheric compositions.
Here we will explore a variety of planetary gravity fields and the g forces involved which will help determine their atmopsheric compositions. Let's find out why Mars' atmopshere is only about 1/100th as dense as ours.
Here we will explore a variety of planetary gravity fields and the g forces involved which will help determine their atmopsheric compositions. First,who is most like us?
Here we will explore a variety of planetary gravity fields and the g forces involved which will help determine their atmopsheric compositions, particularly for the huge jovians.