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Internet Exercises
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The family is a major agent of socialization for us. In what ways can variation in family life impact children? The DataBank at Child Trends—a research organization on children—documents numerous trends in family life, and assesses how they affect the lives of children in these families. To explore these trends, start by linking to the Child Trends DataBank at Under the Family and Community menu, select The Family.

Explore the topics you see there, in order to answer these questions.
  1. What are the overall trends in spanking, and what is the significance of these trends?
  2. The charts you see show that certain attributes of parents can have either positive or negative implications for children. For example, children of depressed parents are more likely to have behavioral and health problems. What other parental traits can impact children, and in what ways?
  3. Some of the charts you see show trends in family life over time. What are some of the positive and negative historical trends you see?
  4. What are some of the racial and ethnic patterns, and how are they significant for children?

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