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Internet Exercises
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Are the objects considered sacred for Christians the same as those considered sacred in other major world religions? Visit the website of the television show Nature to find out about the role of the cow among Hindus. Link directly to the Holy Cow episode at

Read through the short article about cows in Hinduism, and answer the following questions:
  1. If you are not a Hindu, does it seem strange to you that the religion considers cows as sacred? Does it give you some perspective on how objects that are sacred for you might be viewed by people from other religions?
  2. How did cows become a sacred animal for Hindus?
  3. How does religious reverence for the cow intersect with the practical considerations of daily life in large Indian cities?
  4. If you are not a Hindu, to what extent do you hold in awe the sacred objects of your religion in the same way as the cow in Hinduism?
  5. Can you think of any animals in the United States that are revered in the same way as the cow in India?

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