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Race Traitor is an online publication aimed at eliminating stratification by race. Its unusual approach is to encourage "abolishing" the White race. Visit their site ( to find out what this means. On the Race Traitor home page read the article titled "What We Believe," and answer these questions.
  1. Regarding white people, this article states "Its most wretched members share a status higher, in certain respects, than that of the most exalted persons excluded from it." What does this statement mean? Do you agree with it?
  2. What exactly does it mean to "abolish" the White race?
  3. How do you feel about this approach to eliminating race stratification? Do you agree that such radical measures are necessary?
Link to "comments" at the top of the page, and read through some of the comments and responses you see there.
  1. How do most of these readers react to Race Traitor?

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