Activity 3: Formatting Your Résumé Directions: The format of a résumé is very important. Review the
tips provided in your text and then format the following information for Joan
R. Jobless into an appealing resume. You may be as creative as you like to
help Joan find a job. You will probably have to fill in some of the information
yourself. Name: joan r. jobless Address: 233 metropolitan road, apartment 2B, los angeles, california, 90024 Skills: french and some spanish, type 45 wpm, some computer experience. Goal: Something in new media or publishing Experience:
1996-7, front desk, Speigel & Jennings law firm
1995-7, volunteer, Literacy Project, at the L.A. public library
1998-present, internship at The Urban Review, a literary magazine.
1997-8, waited tables at The Brass Monkey
1994-5 tutored other students at her high school Education: 1997-present: Hunter College, New York, NY Major: English literature (mostly twentieth-century poetry); during her junior
Joan wrote a thesis about the poet Elizabeth Bishop Hobbies/Interests: Roller-blading, Ballet dancing, Making jewelry, Guitar
lessons, Reading