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Protein and Muscle Production
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View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.

1When a person eats more protein than their body needs the extra protein is
A)stored and used as protein when it is needed.
B)passed out of the body in feces.
C)converted to glucose or fat.
D)used to form extra large muscle.

2When protein is converted to glucose or fat, how is nitrogen eliminated from the body?
A)through the kidneys
B)through spitting or vomiting
C)through sweat
D)through feces

3If a 180 pound man eats an adequate diet, with about 2220 kcals, approximately what % of protein calories are used to build muscle?

4Increasing protein from 15% of calories to 30% of calories allows more protein to be used for

5Excess dietary protein and amino acids
A)build muscle.
B)do not build muscle.
C)cause weight loss.
D)make hair grow faster.

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