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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is(are) an input process method(s)?
A)smart card
C)optical mark
E)all of the above
A form used to record data about a transaction is a(n)
A)batch document
B)source document
C)on-line document
D)data entry document
E)none of the above
Combination checks:
A)determine data entry errors on primary keys
B)ensure that the correct type of data is input
C)determine whether a known relationship between two fields is valid
D)determine whether all required fields of the input have actually been entered
E)none of the above
Which of the following is NOT an advanced input control?
A)radio button
B)slider edit calendar
C)spin box
D)both (a) and (c)
E)Internet hyperlink
If you need a student to select from a list of eighty courses of the university’s on-line catalogue, your best choice for a GUI control would be:
A)check box
B)radio buttons
C)drop-down list
D)combination box
E)Internet hyperlink
If you need to collect employee status information (e.g., full-time vs. part-time) on a computer screen, your best choice for a GUI control would be:
A)drop-down list
B)masked edit control
C)radio buttons
D)spin box
E)none of the above
Remote batch processing has the following characteristic(s):
A)Data is entered online.
B)Data is collected in batches.
C)Data is processed at a later time.
D)both (a) and (b) and (c)
E)none of the above
Optical character recognition:
A)is less prevalent than optical mark recognition
B)is used on forms for subjective-based questions on exams
C)requires the user to carefully handwrite input data on a business form
D)both (a) and (c)
E)both (a) and (b) and (c)
Which of the following advanced input controls provides a nonnumeric means of selecting a value?
A)ellipsis control
B)Internet hyperlink
C)check list box
D)slider edit calendar
E)none of the above
In cases where the data item has a large number of predefine values and screen space is tight, the following GUI control should be used for an input:
A)combination box
B)drop-down list
C)list box
D)ellipsis control
E)none of the above

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