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Geometer's Sketchpad
(See related pages)

Sections: 2.2, 6.4, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1 and 11.2

What is Geometer's Sketchpad?
The Geometer's Sketchpad (Sketchpad or GSP) is a software system published by Key Press Curriculum for creating, exploring, and analyzing a wide range of mathematics. With Sketchpad, you can construct interactive mathematical models ranging from basic investigations about shape and number to advanced, animated illustrations of complex systems. Sketchpad provides a compelling environment with which to present mathematical concepts, model classroom questions, and encourage conjecturing, whether in a hands-on computer lab, on a demonstration screen before an entire class or as individual assignments (Sketchpad Help System). Like many computer programs, Sketchpad files have their own file extension. Geometer's Sketchpad files are denoted as .gsp. For example (see below); our first Sketchpad file is "bbn_invest_2.2.gsp."

How does the Bennett-Burton-Nelson package incorporate Geometer's Sketchpad?
The Online Learning Centers for Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach and Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach include access to 34 open-ended Mathematics Investigations (click on Math Investigations in the left menu). Each Math Investigation is designed to correspond to one of the sections in our texts. Our Math Investigation Sketchpad files are designed to help you work through the questions in eight of these Math Investigations using the Sketchpad environment. The downloadable .gsp files are included on the main Math Investigations page where the individual investigations are described, and the .gsp files are also available for download here as zipped files (see below for download instructions):

GSP file--Investigation 2.2: Graphs of Functions (7.0K)
GSP file--Investigation 6.4: Pythagorean Theorem (15.0K)
GSP file--Investigation 9.1: Properties of Triangles (17.0K)
GSP file--Investigation 9.2: Inscribed Angles in Circles (15.0K)
GSP file--Investigation 10.1: Measuring Angles and Areas (17.0K)
GSP file--Investigation 10.2: Area Relationships (13.0K)
GSP file--Investigation 11.1: Paper Folding (15.0K)
GSP file--Investigation 11.2: Tessellations (15.0K)
Master GSP Tips File (28.0K)

What do you need to use the Bennett-Burton-Nelson Geometer's Sketchpad files?
To use our Sketchpad files, you must have access to a network or individual copy of the Geometer's Sketchpad. See your instructor or the Sketchpad Home Page at Key Curriculum Press for information.

How do I use a Geometer's Sketchpad file for a Math Investigation?
To use one of our Sketchpad files for a Math Investigation, follow these steps:

  1. When you click on one of these .gsp file links (above and on the main Math Investigations page), you will be prompted to unzip the file to your own disc or drive. Once the zipped file has been expanded to your computer, locate the .gsp file and save a copy for your personal use. You may wish to rename the file to include your name (for example Smith_2.2.gsp). Warning--if your computer is set up to automatically launch Sketchpad when a .gsp file is chosen and you don't save your own copy of the file on your personal drive or disc, you may lose your work. Always save a personal copy of the Sketchpad files you download from this site.
  2. Open the software program Geometer's Sketchpad on your personal or school computer. Using the File > Open menu, open the Math Investigation Sketchpad file you wish to work with.
  3. Each of our Math Investigation Sketchpad files is designed to be entirely self-contained. Each of the .gsp documents has multiple pages, rather like an Excel file. Maximize the .gsp file (click in the squares at the upper right hand corner of the open document) so that all of the pages show. Always start your exploration and reading by clicking on the HOME page tab at the bottom of the Sketchpad window. You can navigate within the document using the Named Tabs at the bottom of the screen or the named and linked Action Buttons throughout the document.

  4. <a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/0073053708/327960/gsppage400.jpg','popWin', 'width=450,height=370,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (54.0K)</a>
  5. Each Math Investigation Sketchpad file includes the following:
  • GSP Tips page
    This page will contain New GSP Tips for the current Math Investigation and Previous GSP Tips from each of the previous Sketchpad Math Investigation files for easy reference. A pdf Master GSP Tips file, with the tips for all eight GSP activities, is available for download by clicking on this link: Master GSP Tips File (28.0K)
  • Home Page
    This page will have links to each of the Question Pages and Sketch Pages (see the following two paragraphs) needed to carry out the current Math Investigation using Geometer's Sketchpad. Each Math Investigation has several questions, be sure to check your assignment to see which questions you have been asked to complete using Geometer's Sketchpad.
  • Question Pages (#1, #2, etc.)
    Each Question Page will state the question from the Math Investigation that you should investigate. Question Pages will have links to the Tips and Home Pages and to separate Sketch Pages. You can carry out the investigation by drawing and manipulating figures, show your work and type in answers and comments on the Sketch Pages and on the sketch portions of Question Pages. This is always clearly marked in the Sketchpad file.
  • Sketch Pages
    Sketch Pages (and sketch portions of Question Pages) are designed to give you a jump start on completing the Math Investigation using Sketchpad. Generally the construction for Question #1 will be drawn for you on a Sketch Page and on subsequent Sketch Pages you will be led through creating your own sketches and begin using the many powerful features of Sketchpad.
Turning in your Geometer's Sketchpad work
Sketchpad pages are printable; you can turn in hard copies of your work or upload your file to a class drive or attach your file to an email. See New Tips 2.2 or Previous Tips 2.2 by clicking on the GSP Tips link on all other Math Investigation Sketchpad files for information on printing your Sketchpad work. See your instructor for information about submitting electronic copies of your work.

How do I work with Geometer's Sketchpad?
Sketchpad has an excellent searchable Help system. In addition to reading the provided GSP Tips, you should read about specific topics, as you encounter them, in the GSP help file. Many features of Sketchpad are easy to use and the more you use Sketchpad, the easier you will find it to use. Explore the various menus. Share tips and questions with other students in your class.

*Instructor Notes about working with Sketchpad are available at the Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach and Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach Online Learning Centers, Instructor Editions.

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