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Internet Resources
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Bennett-Nelson Home Page
Link to the individual home pages for Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach and Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh editions.
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NCTM Home Page
From this site you can access all of the NCTM’s Online Resources. Sign up for a student or temporary membership, browse journals, link to the NCTM Standards, read news and articles, read about conferences and professional development and explore all that the NCTM has to offer.
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NCTM Standards Home Page
From this site you can select E-examples and Illuminations which provide a multitude of interactive classroom activities, resources, and links to exemplary lessons which support the philosophy of the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
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Interactive Mathematics Activities and Puzzles
A rich source of mathematics topics, games, puzzles that encompasses all the topics in the text.
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Biographies of Mathematicians
Extensive index of biographies of male and female mathematicians and scientists.
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Mathematics History Topics
Extensive index of historical topics in mathematic including the mathematics of ancient cultures explored in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach.
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Biographies for Women Mathematicians
Women in Mathematics site with extensive listings about women in mathematics and science.
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Fraction Bars Home Page
This website has the following five major files: Research Teaching Fractions, Fraction Bars Program (activities, classroom games, worksheets and teacher’s guide), Fraction Weblinks, Interactive Games (to teach specific fraction concepts) and Fraction References. This website is easily accessible and does not require a username or password.
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Decimal Squares Home Page
This website has the following five major files: Research Teaching Decimals, Decimal Squares Program (activities, classroom games, worksheets and teacher’s guide), Decimal Weblinks, Interactive Games (to teach specific decimal concepts) and Decimal References. This website is easily accessible and does not require a username or password.
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Math Forum Home Page
Rich resource of Math Help, Problems and Puzzles, Math Talk and Mathematics Resources and Tools. The home of “Ask Dr. Math.”
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Bennett-NelsonOnline Learning Center

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