Burgelman Strategic Dynamics
Information Center
Feature Summary
Table of Contents
Book Preface
About the Authors

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases

Robert A. Burgelman, Stanford University
Andrew S. Grove, Stanford University and Intel Corporation
with Philip E. Meza, Stanford University

ISBN: 0073122653
Copyright year: 2006

Feature Summary

Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases Features:
  • A new framework for industry and competitive analysis that builds on Michael Porter’s classical framework but extends it to encompass key forces especially relevant in information technology-driven industries.

  • A new framework of strategic dynamics that focuses on situations characterized by nonlinear strategic dynamics, which are particularly relevant for companies operating in information technology-driven industries.

  • The systematic analysis of a great variety of cases and notes about information technology-driven companies and industries in terms of three key themes: (1) strategy and strategic dynamics; (2) strategy and action; and (3) industry change and corporate transformation -- all of which provides a highly diverse yet highly integrated learning experience for both instructors and students.

  • The novel descriptive approach (Chapter 1) of providing an overview of important information technology-driven industries in terms of major developments: the effect of the compounding confluence of forces on industry dynamics, and the convergence/collision of major industry segments.

  • The novel analytical approach (Chapter 2) of providing three key themes and related conceptual frameworks to examine the strategic dynamics associated with the major developments in the information technology-driven industries described in Chapter 1.

  • The organization of the rest of the book in parts describing industry segments characterized by particular types of compounding confluences of forces and convergence/collision dynamics, which provides a natural way for grouping cases and notes together within each part, yet also provides a common thread running across the different parts.

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