| Chapter Objectives (See related pages)
In the sections of this chapter you will do the following:
CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING NONFICTION BOOKS Identify recent trends in the publishing of nonfiction books for today's children. |
 |  |  | Learn some ways that you could check different criteria to determine the accuracy and authenticity of a nonfiction book. |
 |  |  | Learn points that relate to judging the content and perspective of a nonfiction book. |
 |  |  | Note the elements of the scientific method that are appropriate for use with nonfiction books. |
 |  |  | Learn the elements of style that are important for evaluating nonfiction books. |
 |  |  | Identify points of structure and reference aids that are helpful to children as they read for information. |
 |  |  | Learn points about illustrations and format that distinguish a quality nonfiction book. |
 |  |  | Read the "Criteria for Evaluating Nonfiction Books." |
 |  |  | TYPES OF NONFICTION BOOKS Find characteristics that distinguish these types of nonfiction books: concept books, picture storybooks, photographic essays, identification books, life-cycle books, experiment and activity books, documents and journals, survey books, specialized books, craft and how-to books. |
 |  |  | Learn the various types of experiment books. |
 |  |  | USING LITERATURE ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Read the points that enable nonfiction trade books to be most useful as content resources in the classroom. |
 |  |  | Determine how trade books can be used to develop critical thinking. |
 |  |  | Learn how trade books can suggest areas of study. |
 |  |  | CHOOSING NONFICTION BOOKS FOR THE CLASSROOM Identify some specific reference sources for finding out about new nonfiction books. |
 |  |  | Learn the common purposes and functions of nonfiction trade books in the classroom. |
 |  |  | Determine ways in which fact and fiction books can be integrated in the classroom. |