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Multiple Choice
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Frederick Douglass's mentor in the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts was
A)Abraham Lincoln
B)Harriet Beecher Stowe
C)Olaudah Equiano
D)William Lloyd Garrison

What Douglass received from his reading of Richard Brinsley Sherridan's essays on Catholic emancipation in Ireland was
A)a powerful vindication of human rights
B)an apology for the wrongs of slavery
C)a sense of the difficulty in reversing evil
D)a policy of non-violent confrontation with slave owners

One distinguishing factor significant in white discrimination against African-American slaves was
A)the quality of the slave's voice
B)the strength of the offspring
C)the darkness of the slave's skin
D)the slave's level of education

Mr. Covey's "forte" as a slave owner was in his power
A)to deceive
B)to fight
C)to sing
D)to preach

Frederick Douglass's most prized memory of himself in slavery was that
A)he bore his plight with dignity
B)he was never whipped
C)he always remembered his roots
D)he never overslept

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