1 |  |  Using the definition of abnormal behavior provided in the text, which of the following situations would mental health professionals typically consider abnormal behavior? |
|  | A) | Zuñi Indians having hallucinations |
|  | B) | total honesty |
|  | C) | all of these |
|  | D) | cigarette smoking |
2 |  |  If you lived in Biblical times, you would most likely believe that abnormal behavior is caused by |
|  | A) | psychological causes. |
|  | B) | brain damage. |
|  | C) | physical diseases. |
|  | D) | evil spirits. |
3 |  |  Which ancient Greek believed that biological disorders of the body caused abnormal behavior? |
|  | A) | Plato |
|  | B) | Hippocrates |
|  | C) | Aristotle |
|  | D) | Socrates |
4 |  |  Sayed has been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and Nailah has been diagnosed with depression. Sayed has an Axis ______ disorder, and Nailah has an Axis _______ disorder. |
|  | A) | I; II |
|  | B) | II; I |
|  | C) | I; I |
|  | D) | II; II |
5 |  |  The term "insanity" is |
|  | A) | a psychological term. |
|  | B) | both a legal and psychological term. |
|  | C) | a legal term. |
|  | D) | a psychiatric term. |
6 |  |  What is the common factor for all of the anxiety disorders? |
|  | A) | heightened reactivity to anxiety-provoking events and increased vigilance for those events. |
|  | B) | a vague, uneasy sense of tension and apprehension. |
|  | C) | sharp, intensely uncomfortable attacks of anxiety. |
|  | D) | an intense focus on an object or situation that creates such acute discomfort that an individual will take extreme measures to avoid the object or situation. |
7 |  |  Given the same level of stress and similar personality traits prior to a traumatic event, who is most likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder? |
|  | A) | Samantha, a single woman living alone, who was raped. |
|  | B) | Sharona, a married woman who is heavily involved in community activities, who was raped. |
|  | C) | Sydney, a single woman living with her sister, who was raped. |
|  | D) | Samuel, a single man living alone, who was the victim of aggravated assault. |
8 |  |  Howard is so worried about coming in contact with germs that he will not allow anyone to touch him. He takes three showers a day and uses a complex ritual to wash his hands 50 times a day. What disorder does Howard most likely have? |
|  | A) | post-traumatic stress disorder |
|  | B) | obsessive-compulsive disorder |
|  | C) | agoraphobia |
|  | D) | obsessive-compulsive personality disorder |
9 |  |  Mildred is preoccupied with her health. She overreacts with concern to minor coughs and pains, and goes to unreasonable lengths to avoid germs. Which somatoform disorder does Mildred have? |
|  | A) | somatization disorder |
|  | B) | hypochondriasis |
|  | C) | conversion disorder |
|  | D) | somatoform pain disorder |
10 |  |  Disorders characterized by a change in memory, perception, or "identity" are called |
|  | A) | anxiety disorders. |
|  | B) | dissociative disorders. |
|  | C) | somatoform disorders. |
|  | D) | mood disorders. |
11 |  |  Social learning theorists tend to believe that individuals with dissociative identity disorder |
|  | A) | were taught by their therapists to assume alternate personalities. |
|  | B) | are faking the disorder for some personal gain. |
|  | C) | experienced severe physical and/or sexual abuse early in childhood. |
|  | D) | imitate the behavior of persons in books or movies who model multiple personalities. |
12 |  |  How common is major depression in the United States? |
|  | A) | It is common, affecting 3% of adult Americans. |
|  | B) | It is relatively rare, affecting only 1% of adult Americans. |
|  | C) | It is quite common, affecting over 10% of adult Americans. |
|  | D) | It is quite common, affecting 6% of adult Americans. |
13 |  |  Research by Peter Lewinsohn and colleagues suggests that which of the following individuals would have the most accurate self-perception? |
|  | A) | Chelsea, who has been diagnosed with social phobia |
|  | B) | Candy, who has no psychological diagnosis |
|  | C) | Charles, who has no psychological diagnosis |
|  | D) | Cindy, who has been diagnosed with depression |
14 |  |  Which of these ethnic groups has the lowest suicide rate in the United States? |
|  | A) | African Americans |
|  | B) | Asian Americans |
|  | C) | American Indians |
|  | D) | Non-Hispanic whites |
15 |  |  Recent research on the effects of diet on bipolar disorder have found that |
|  | A) | the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may play a beneficial role in neural transmission and protect against bipolar disorder. |
|  | B) | any benefits of fish found in omega-3 fatty acids are offset by the harm that can be caused by mercury contamination. |
|  | C) | there is no apparent relationship between diet and bipolar disorder. |
|  | D) | the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may play a detrimental role in neural transmission and create risk factors for developing bipolar disorder. |
16 |  |  Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is a myth, not a reality? |
|  | A) | Schizophrenia is rather rare, affecting about 1% of the population. |
|  | B) | A small percentage of individuals who experience schizophrenia recover completely. |
|  | C) | Schizophrenia is caused by an interaction of genetic and environmental factors. |
|  | D) | Schizophrenics have split personalities. |
17 |  |  Paul tells you that he is a CIA agent who has invented a cure for war. He also tells you that the government has been trying to have him assassinated because they don't want his secrets to get publicized. He holds meetings with secret agents from other countries, although no one other than Paul can see these gentlemen. Paul suffers from |
|  | A) | catatonic schizophrenia. |
|  | B) | delusional disorder. |
|  | C) | disorganized schizophrenia. |
|  | D) | paranoid schizophrenia. |
18 |  |  The key question to ask to determine if an adult's symptoms of restlessness and problems in sustaining attention are attributable to ADHD is: |
|  | A) | "How many of the symptoms do you currently have?" |
|  | B) | "Have your children been diagnosed with ADHD?" |
|  | C) | "Do you have a clear history of ADHD when you were a child?" |
|  | D) | "Have any of your relatives been diagnosed with ADHD?" |
19 |  |  Allen has a low tolerance for frustration. He is impulsive, loses his temper quickly, and lies easily and skillfully. He is a thrill-seeker with a constant need for stimulation and excitement, often engaging in high-risk behaviors. He has left a trail of victims who have been harmed by his lies, violent outbursts, and broken intimate relationships. Allen would most likely be diagnosed with which disorder? |
|  | A) | schizoid personality disorder |
|  | B) | borderline personality disorder |
|  | C) | schizophrenia |
|  | D) | antisocial personality disorder |
20 |  |  With regard to assisted suicide, psychiatrists Herbert Hendin and Gerald Klerman believe that |
|  | A) | if physician-assisted suicide is legalized, unqualified physicians will make uneducated decisions regarding a patient's "wish to die." |
|  | B) | any form of suicide is morally reprehensible. |
|  | C) | physician-assisted suicide should be allowed only when a thorough psychiatric evaluation has determined the wish to die is not based solely on a patient's state of depression. |
|  | D) | it should be legal for physicians to assist terminally ill patients in committing suicide painlessly. |