1 |  |  ____________ is a specialized process in which a trained professional uses psychological methods to help a person with psychological problems. |
|  | A) | Psychoanalysis |
|  | B) | Clinical psychology |
|  | C) | Therapeutic psychosis |
|  | D) | Psychotherapy |
2 |  |  Dr. Sanders, a psychotherapist, interviews a potential client who has a problem that is outside his area of expertise. Dr. Sanders should |
|  | A) | treat the client, because with his extensive educational background, he can work effectively with most types of psychological disorders. |
|  | B) | quickly take a course in the type of problem the client has so that Dr. Sanders will be able to help the client. |
|  | C) | refer the client to a therapist who has expertise in dealing with the types of problems this client has. |
|  | D) | treat the client, but confer with colleagues as the sessions progress to be sure that he is working effectively with this client. |
3 |  |  A therapist will be required to breach client confidentiality |
|  | A) | if the therapist learns that the client is in immediate danger of harm or of harming someone else. |
|  | B) | to the client's parents if the client is a minor. |
|  | C) | to a client's spouse. |
|  | D) | under no conditions whatsoever. |
4 |  |  Psychoanalysis, the approach to psychotherapy founded by Sigmund Freud, is based on Freud's belief that the root of all psychological problems is |
|  | A) | early dysfunctional interpersonal relationships. |
|  | B) | unconscious conflicts among the id, ego, and superego. |
|  | C) | denying awareness of information and feelings that differ too much from our concepts of self and ideal self. |
|  | D) | inappropriate learning experiences. |
5 |  |  Dr. Moore incorporates free association and interpretation of dreams, resistance, and transference in her therapy practice. She usually works with her clients for several years, placing great emphasis on their childhood experiences. Dr. Moore is what type of therapist? |
|  | A) | psychoanalyst |
|  | B) | interpersonal |
|  | C) | cognitive-behavioral |
|  | D) | humanistic |
6 |  |  As an interpersonal psychotherapist, Dr. Richards is most likely to work with clients who have |
|  | A) | schizophrenia. |
|  | B) | anxiety disorders. |
|  | C) | dissociative disorders. |
|  | D) | depression. |
7 |  |  Hyun-Joo is seeing a client-centered therapist. We would expect her therapist to |
|  | A) | interpret Hyun-Joo's behavior. |
|  | B) | challenge Hyun-Joo's statements. |
|  | C) | be warm and empathetic. |
|  | D) | provide Hyun-Joo with a great deal of guidance. |
8 |  |  Which therapist is most likely to deal with clients in a confrontational, challenging manner? |
|  | A) | Dr. Rogers, a client-centered psychologist. |
|  | B) | Dr. Alfred, a psychoanalyst. |
|  | C) | Dr. Fredericks, a Gestalt psychologist. |
|  | D) | Dr. Johns, a behavioral therapist. |
9 |  |  According to cognitive-behavior therapy, abnormal behavior |
|  | A) | results from the self and the ideal self being inconsistent with each other. |
|  | B) | develops out of early dysfunctional interpersonal relationships. |
|  | C) | is learned from inappropriate experiences of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and modeling. |
|  | D) | arises from unconscious conflicts among the id, ego, and superego. |
10 |  |  The goal of cognitive-behavior therapy is to |
|  | A) | reduce clients' maladaptive behaviors. |
|  | B) | help clients reduce their fear responses to phobic stimuli. |
|  | C) | challenge clients' irrational thought processes. |
|  | D) | teach adaptive skills. |
11 |  |  Andi submitted her first professional article to American Psychologist. When it came back with a form letter stating that it did not fit their current needs, she became extremely upset and decided that no journal will ever publish her research. Andi is engaging in which erroneous pattern of thinking? |
|  | A) | Arbitrary inference |
|  | B) | Overgeneralization |
|  | C) | Personalization |
|  | D) | Selective abstraction |
12 |  |  According to the _________________ approach to family therapy, it is not possible to gain an adequate understanding of an individual's psychological problems without knowing the role that individual plays in the family structure. |
|  | A) | family systems |
|  | B) | communications |
|  | C) | group |
|  | D) | miscommunications |
13 |  |  __________________ therapies are generally designed to directly change brain functioning to treat a psychological disorder. |
|  | A) | Medical |
|  | B) | Psychoanalytic |
|  | C) | Drug |
|  | D) | Behavioral |
14 |  |  The most widely used medical treatment for psychological disorders is |
|  | A) | psychosurgery. |
|  | B) | drug therapy. |
|  | C) | electroconvulsive therapy. |
|  | D) | transcranial stimulation. |
15 |  |  What is the most common side effect of electroconvulsive therapy as it is administered today? |
|  | A) | As it is used today, ECT rarely has any side effects. |
|  | B) | depression |
|  | C) | broken bones |
|  | D) | memory loss |
16 |  |  The most controversial medical treatment for abnormal behavior is |
|  | A) | psychosurgery. |
|  | B) | electroconvulsive therapy. |
|  | C) | drug therapy. |
|  | D) | transcranial stimulation. |
17 |  |  Nguyen has been diagnosed with major depression and Anh has been diagnosed with panic disorder. Which type of therapy would be most effective for each of them? |
|  | A) | A combination of CBT and medication would be most effective for both Nguyen and Anh. |
|  | B) | Psychoanalysis would be most effective for Nguyen; medication would be most effective for Anh. |
|  | C) | CBT would be most effective for both Nguyen and Anh. |
|  | D) | A combination of CBT and medication would be most effective for Nguyen; CBT would be most effective for Anh. |