At the web page of Professor Philip G. Zimbardo you will find an in-depth slide show of the Stanford Prison study, including its application to current events such as the Abu Ghraib Prison scandal. A different type of "prison" is shyness—if you click on the Research tab, then link to shyness, at the bottom of that segment is a link to the "Shyness Homepage: An Index to Resources for Shyness." While you're at Professor Zimbardo's site, go ahead and check out his many other areas of research—he's extraordinarily prolific! (
For an interesting criticism of the application of the Prison study to the events at Abu Ghraib prison, read the article by William Saletan, "Situationist Ethics: The Stanford Prison Experiment doesn't explain Abu Ghraib." (
For an in-depth look at social psychology, explore Dr. John Grohol's Psych Central. Here you can learn more about many of the topics discussed in the text, as well as others that could not be included. There are links that expand on topics discussed, as well as links to cases, studies, and other works relating to social psychology. You can also look at many theories of social psychology as well as how the field relates to other disciplines (e.g., sociology). (
Here is an excellent site for learning about three important studies in social psychology: Asch's conformity studies, Sherif's studies of inter-group conflict (e.g., the Robber's Cave experiment), and Festinger and Carlsmith's studies in cognitive dissonance. (
This site is a veritable gold mine of information with links that provide in-depth information about social psychology and also link to other resources—you could spend days gathering precious nuggets here! (
This site provides links to a wide array of social psychology topics including prejudice and discrimination, gender, culture, social influence, interpersonal relations, group behavior, aggression, and more. (
Read the article by Stanley Milgram, "The Perils of Obedience." The article is adapted from Milgram's book, "Obedience to Authority." (
This is the official Web site for the Americans with Disabilities Act. The site provides a wealth of information regarding the ADA. (
This is a fun and insightful activity based on David Buss's research, which focused on heterosexual relationships. First, you'll have an opportunity to "select" your ideal romantic partner. Then, you'll see what researchers have learned about cross-cultural similarities in the characteristics of a desirable mate. Finally, you'll see how jealousy fits into an evolutionary perspective on mate selection. (
Welcome to the Group Dynamics Resource Page created by Donelson R. Forsyth of the University of Richmond. This page provides links to a variety of topics relating to group dynamics. (
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