1 |  |  The process of receiving information from the outside world, translating it, and transmitting it to the brain is called |
|  | A) | sensory reception. |
|  | B) | neurotransmission. |
|  | C) | perception. |
|  | D) | sensation. |
2 |  |  The process of interpreting information from the outside world and forming images of the world is called |
|  | A) | neurotransmission. |
|  | B) | perception. |
|  | C) | sensation. |
|  | D) | sensory interpretation. |
3 |  |  Energy from stimuli is translated into energy that the brain can use through the process of |
|  | A) | interpretation. |
|  | B) | neural encoding. |
|  | C) | perception. |
|  | D) | transduction. |
4 |  |  Faridah works for an electronics company and is trying to design a better stereo system. She needs to understand the __________ threshold, the smallest magnitude of a stimulus that can be detected, and the __________ threshold, the smallest difference between two stimuli that can be detected half the time. |
|  | A) | sensory; strength |
|  | B) | magnitude; difference |
|  | C) | absolute; difference |
|  | D) | absolute; magnitude |
5 |  |  Nissim specializes in the field of psychology that studies sensory limits, sensory adaptation, and related topics. This field is called |
|  | A) | psychophysics. |
|  | B) | sensory psychology. |
|  | C) | sensory-perception. |
|  | D) | physiology. |
6 |  |  The retina of the eye contains two types of receptor cells—the rods and the cones. Only the cones |
|  | A) | are responsible for peripheral vision. |
|  | B) | send impulses to the brain on a single nerve fiber. |
|  | C) | can code information about color. |
|  | D) | play an important role for vision in dim light. |
7 |  |  Which theory of color vision states that there are two kinds of color-processing mechanisms that receive messages from three kinds of cones? |
|  | A) | opponent-process theory |
|  | B) | trichromatic theory |
|  | C) | color blindness theory |
|  | D) | sensory adaptation theory |
8 |  |  Neural messages from the ears are first interpreted in the |
|  | A) | occipital lobe. |
|  | B) | outer ear. |
|  | C) | temporal lobe's auditory area. |
|  | D) | cochlea. |
9 |  |  Which aspect of sound is determined by the complexity of the sound wave? |
|  | A) | frequency |
|  | B) | timbre |
|  | C) | intensity |
|  | D) | pitch |
10 |  |  Michelle has suffered damage to the hearing apparatus in her middle ear. It is likely that Michelle can hear |
|  | A) | bone-conducted sounds fairly well, but not airborne sounds. |
|  | B) | neither airborne nor bone-conducted sounds. |
|  | C) | airborne sounds fairly well, but not bone-conducted sounds. |
|  | D) | low frequency sounds better than high frequency sounds. |
11 |  |  The vestibular organ, which is located in the inner section of the ear, provides the cerebral cortex with information about orientation and movement. Which part of the vestibular organ provides the most sensitive messages about orientation? |
|  | A) | the semicircular canals |
|  | B) | the saccule |
|  | C) | the utricle |
|  | D) | the cupula |
12 |  |  As he was building a bookcase, Talal missed the nail and hit his finger with the hammer. Which receptors will register his pain? |
|  | A) | the tactile discs |
|  | B) | the nocioceptors |
|  | C) | the basket cells |
|  | D) | specialized end bulbs |
13 |  |  The gate-control theory of pain explains regulation of pain |
|  | A) | in the spinal cord. |
|  | B) | outside of the spinal column. |
|  | C) | in the brain stem. |
|  | D) | throughout the entire body. |
14 |  |  Pat lost his right leg when he was a soldier fighting in Iraq. He now experiences phantom pain for that missing limb. The most likely explanation is that |
|  | A) | the sensation of feeling in the lost leg is a purely psychological phenomenon. |
|  | B) | a neural message is stimulating the part of the cortex that used to serve input from the right leg. |
|  | C) | this experience is an indication that Pat suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. |
|  | D) | he has not yet accepted the loss of his leg. |
15 |  |  It is well established that our taste buds respond to the sensations of sweetness, sourness, saltiness, and bitterness. Recently, a fifth taste sensation has been noted, which is |
|  | A) | acidity. |
|  | B) | fattiness. |
|  | C) | tartness. |
|  | D) | alkalinity. |
16 |  |  Gustation refers to __________, and olfaction refers to __________. |
|  | A) | touch; hearing |
|  | B) | balance; sight |
|  | C) | taste; smell |
|  | D) | smell; taste |
17 |  |  Research by Buck and Axel demonstrates that humans normally have how many different receptors for distinguishing odors? |
|  | A) | approximately one thousand |
|  | B) | hundreds, and perhaps thousands |
|  | C) | approximately one hundred |
|  | D) | no more than a dozen |
18 |  |  Which of the following organisms have been found to respond to pheromones? |
|  | A) | rabbits |
|  | B) | human females |
|  | C) | all of these |
|  | D) | opossums |
19 |  |  Research on perception suggests that |
|  | A) | what we perceive is often based more on how sensory information is processed in our brains than what is in front of our eyes. |
|  | B) | what we perceive is often based more on what is in front of our eyes than on how sensory information is processed in our brains. |
|  | C) | the process of perception differs greatly from one individual to another. |
|  | D) | we commonly view the world as a constantly changing place. |
20 |  |  Hermes is studying Gestalt principles affecting visual perception. Which of the following would be one of the principles that he studies? |
|  | A) | monocular cues |
|  | B) | texture gradient |
|  | C) | brightness constancy |
|  | D) | proximity |
21 |  |  Which of the following is a binocular cue to depth perception? |
|  | A) | retinal disparity |
|  | B) | accommodation |
|  | C) | linear perspective |
|  | D) | atmospheric perspective |