1 |  |  Of the following, Jean Piaget's most important contribution was |
|  | A) | to demonstrate that children of different ages understand the world in ways that are often very different from the way adults understand it. |
|  | B) | his in-depth study of the smooth cognitive transitions we go through from birth to adulthood. |
|  | C) | his numerous demonstrations of the ways in which childhood cognition parallels adult cognition. |
|  | D) | to show the similarities between the ways that children and adults understand the world. |
2 |  |  Developmental psychology focuses on |
|  | A) | development across the life span. |
|  | B) | changes during infancy and childhood. |
|  | C) | physical changes from infancy through adolescence. |
|  | D) | physical, cognitive, and socioemotional changes from infancy through adolescence. |
3 |  |  Which of the following children, who are all developmentally on track, would we expect to be easiest to toilet train? |
|  | A) | Hilton, who is 24 months old. |
|  | B) | Hugh, who is two months old and gets lots of reinforcement for proper toileting. |
|  | C) | Hector, who is ten months old and is scolded when he soils his diapers. |
|  | D) | Homer, who is fifteen months old and gets lots of reinforcement for proper toileting, but is scolded when he soils his pants. |
4 |  |  What did Harry and Margaret Harlow's research with rhesus monkeys show? |
|  | A) | Baby monkeys who experienced social deprivation during the first six months of their lives experienced irreversible damage in their social relations. |
|  | B) | Human babies, like baby monkeys, will exhibit irreversible damage in their social relations if they experience social deprivation early in their lives. |
|  | C) | Baby monkeys who experienced social deprivation during the first six months of their lives exhibited greater resilience than human babies in similar situations. |
|  | D) | Early social deprivation can be overcome if a child receives sufficient remedial support. |
5 |  |  Jean Piaget focused on which aspect of development? |
|  | A) | cognitive |
|  | B) | social |
|  | C) | physical |
|  | D) | behavioral |
6 |  |  Research on moral development suggests that |
|  | A) | there are more similarities than differences in the moral development of males and females. |
|  | B) | males exhibit higher levels of morality than females. |
|  | C) | females exhibit higher levels of morality than males. |
|  | D) | there are more differences than similarities in the moral development of males and females. |
7 |  |  Samuel is successfully learning to meet his parents' demands to keep his room clean. He is also meeting his teacher's demands of learning to read, write, and do arithmetic, while he learns about taking turns from his friends. It is likely that Samuel will develop a sense of |
|  | A) | industry. |
|  | B) | trust. |
|  | C) | initiative. |
|  | D) | identity. |
8 |  |  Ben is weak and dependent on adults. He cannot raise his head or roll over by himself, but he does have several useful reflexive behaviors, such as the rooting reflex, which helps him to take his mother's nipple in his mouth and nurse. Ben is in which stage of development? |
|  | A) | neonatal |
|  | B) | prenatal |
|  | C) | perinatal |
|  | D) | infancy |
9 |  |  Memory research by Rovee-Collier demonstrates that |
|  | A) | infants at 6 months show memory for a learning task for as long as two weeks. |
|  | B) | infants at 6 months show memory for a learning task that is similar to the memory of a 6-year-old child. |
|  | C) | infants at 6 months exhibit very poor memories on learning tasks. |
|  | D) | infants do not begin to develop short-term memory until they are approximately one year old. |
10 |  |  Sarah is eight months old. When the babysitter shows up, Sarah cries and fusses so much that her parents feel guilty about leaving. What can be said about Sarah's behavior? |
|  | A) | It is normal; infants this age often show intense separation anxiety when they are separated from their parents. |
|  | B) | It is not normal; Sarah clearly has some behavioral problems that need to be corrected. |
|  | C) | It is normal; however, Sarah has emotional problems that clearly need to be handled with the help of a therapist. |
|  | D) | It is not normal; typically separation anxiety does not begin until the child is at least ten months old. |
11 |  |  Jeremy, who is experiencing normal development, believes that the moon is following him when he rides in the car with his parents at night. He also has imaginary friends who seem quite real to him. Jeremy is in which stage of development? |
|  | A) | preoperational |
|  | B) | sensorimotor |
|  | C) | concrete operational |
|  | D) | formal operational |
12 |  |  Alex understands that when he sees water poured from one glass into another taller, narrower glass there is no change in the amount of water in the new glass. Alex has acquired the concept of _______, which relies on the ability to ________. |
|  | A) | conservation; decenter |
|  | B) | conservation; center |
|  | C) | transductive reasoning; reversibility |
|  | D) | reversibility; transductive reasoning |
13 |  |  _________ begins with the production of sex hormones by the ovaries in females and the testes in males. |
|  | A) | Puberty |
|  | B) | Adolescence |
|  | C) | Adulthood |
|  | D) | The adolescent growth spurt |
14 |  |  Juan is able to use abstract concepts. He is often deep in thought about truth, justice, and the meaning of life. Juan is in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? |
|  | A) | formal operational |
|  | B) | concrete operational |
|  | C) | preoperational |
|  | D) | sensorimotor |
15 |  |  Sybil says "Everyone can see that smoking causes cancer, so people who don't smoke shouldn't start, and those who do smoke should just quit." Which feature of adolescent egocentrism is Sybil displaying? |
|  | A) | pseudostupidity |
|  | B) | imaginary audience |
|  | C) | hypocrisy |
|  | D) | personal fable |
16 |  |  Research on adult development suggests that |
|  | A) | developmental changes continue throughout adulthood. |
|  | B) | for most people, adulthood is a single phase of life. |
|  | C) | most cognitive abilities decline as people get older. |
|  | D) | the average personality trait scores of adults do not change over time. |
17 |  |  Jed is 24 years old. He has just graduated from college and begun a new career, and is contemplating proposing to Abigail. Jed is in which of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development? |
|  | A) | intimacy versus isolation |
|  | B) | Identity versus role confusion |
|  | C) | Generativity versus stagnation |
|  | D) | Entry to early adulthood |
18 |  |  Phoebe is 50 years old and is no longer able to reproduce sexually. Her husband, Phil, is 52 and is experiencing a decline in his reproductive capacity. Phoebe and Phil are experiencing |
|  | A) | the climacteric. |
|  | B) | menopause. |
|  | C) | senescence. |
|  | D) | old age. |
19 |  |  Happy aging and slowed intellectual decline are linked to three key psychological variables. These three variables are (1) beliefs about old age, (2) avoiding smoking and excessive drinking, and (3) |
|  | A) | staying active and engaged in intellectual and social activities. |
|  | B) | inheriting good genes. |
|  | C) | the type of work a person did prior to retirement. |
|  | D) | a person's innate intellectual makeup. |
20 |  |  Lenny was advised by his doctor that he has six months to live. Lenny feels guilty about leaving his loved ones behind and feels incapable of facing death with dignity. He is in which of Kubler-Ross' stages of grief? |
|  | A) | depression |
|  | B) | denial |
|  | C) | anger |
|  | D) | acceptance |
21 |  |  Mark and Mindy do not encourage their children to express themselves. When their children ask why they have to do something, Mark and Mindy say, "Because we said so!" They often criticize their children and have a long list of rules for their children to obey. If the rules are not obeyed, the children are punished. Which of Baumrind's parenting styles do Mark and Mindy use? |
|  | A) | authoritarian |
|  | B) | authoritative |
|  | C) | permissive |
|  | D) | neglecting-rejecting |