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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Alternate periods of mania and depression are the two major criteria of _____.
B)conversion disorder
D)bipolar disorder

Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, George is currently experiencing mania. All but which of the following describe George in this state?
A)His thoughts race and he needs little sleep.
B)He is careful not to violate any of his personal value codes.
C)His experience of pleasure is heightened.
D)He is unrealistically optimistic.

Millie has been sad for several months following the death of her mother, but now she is beginning to come out of it. She is sleeping and eating regularly now, and she is starting to find pleasure in life again. Her normal level of energy is returning. Which of the following would be a key indicator that Millie is probably not a good candidate for a diagnosis of bipolar disorder?
A)The period of depression following the death of her mother was quite normal.
B)She is not showing disturbances in sleeping or eating.
C)Feelings of pleasure and energy are returning to normal.
D)All of the above would be indicators that a diagnosis of bipolar disorder would not be appropriate.

What distinguishes bipolar disorder from major depression?
A)Episodes of schizophrenia
B)The occurrence of hallucinations
C)A general attitude of pessimism
D)Episodes of mania

In the video you saw “Bernie,” who is suffering from bipolar disorder, state that he
A)became so depressed that he repainted his mother's house.
B)demonstrated his ability to keep his depression under control by practicing good hygiene.
C)would never violate his personal code of values, even in his most manic state.
D)became so depressed he has trouble getting out of bed.

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