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  • A person who experiences alternating periods of mania and depression suffers from bipolar disorder.
    • Mania is an extended state of intense, wild elation.
    • Depression is a period of low activity and sadness.
  • Mood disorders have received a good deal of study, and several approaches have been used to explain the disorder.
    • Psychoanalytic approaches see depression as the result of feelings of loss (real or potential) or of anger directed at oneself.
    • Convincing evidence has been found that both bipolar disorder and major depression may have genetic and biochemical roots.
    • Behavioral theories of depression argue that the stresses of life produce a reduction in positive reinforcers.
    • Psychologist Martin Seligman suggests that depression is largely a response to learned helplessness.
        Learned helplessness is a learned expectation that events in one's life are uncontrollable and that one cannot escape from the situation.

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