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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Researchers studying leisure activities have found that compared to younger adults, older adults
A)have completely different interests.
B)prefer more active sports.
C)are more likely to engage in relaxation.
D)have very similar interests.

According to this theory, the cause of aging is thought to occur due to a biological or inherited programming of cell death.
A)Wear and tear
C)Genetic preprogramming

What common belief about aging and the aged has been supported by research?
A)People become more irritable and unpleasant as they age.
B)Loneliness is an inevitable feature of aging.
C)Older adults are not interested in sexual activity.
D)There are losses in sensory abilities as people age.

The _________________ theory of aging proposes that older people are happier if they are stay involved in their families and community life
D)life review

Although she used to have an excellent memory, at the age of 76, MaryLou is beginning to experience memory loss. Based on research on aging and memory, which type of memory loss is she most likely to have?
A)Remembering the items on her shopping list
B)Knowing how to drive a car
C)Being able to recall the names of past presidents
D)Being able to perform complex multiplication tasks

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