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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Health psychologists have found that as many as ___ percent of patients do not fully comply with their physician's recommendations.

Dr. Scully tells her patient that he must take a prescribed medicine twice daily to cure his infection. The patient eventually discards the medicine for a 'home remedy' suggested by his grandmother. This demonstrates
A)positive message framing.
B)creative nonadherence.
D)patient intimidation.

Josh becomes furious when he is forced to wait two hours in the emergency room, and, as a result, he goes home even though he has a nagging pain in his right side. Josh's behavior is an example of
A)creative noncompliance.
B)traditional noncompliance.

Zoe's physician has to tell her that she is going to have to have major surgery to remove a cancerous growth. Following the surgery, she will need to follow a strict regime of treatments. In terms of producing better compliance, what would be the best way for the physician to inform Zoe of her situation?
A)Ask a hospital volunteer to give Zoe the news.
B)Give Zoe a medical journal with the latest research on her condition.
C)Inform Zoe's husband but do not tell her directly.
D)Give her clear and detailed information about her options.

A public health campaign attempts to encourage people to be screened for high levels of cholesterol. Which message would be more likely to have this effect on the population?
A)Lowering your cholesterol can help you live longer.
B)If you do not get your cholesterol tested, you are at risk of dying.
C)Insurance claims will be higher for you unless you get this test.
D)Don't make your family suffer-get this test!

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