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Multiple Choice Quiz
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A valid description of 'self-enhancing bias' would be ?
A)'the tendency to gather praise from others.'
B)'the tendency to gain wealth or importance at the expense of others.'
C)'the tendency to exaggerate one's own 'proper' attitudes and behaviors and to diminish those of others.'
D)'the tendency to feel paranoid regarding the behaviors of others.'

According to national research data cited in your Interactivity, in which of the following areas do we perceive ourselves as being less caring than others?

- AIDS- Environment
- Animal protection- Homelessness
- Drug abuse- World hunger
A)All of the above.
B)Animal protection, homelessness, and world hunger.
C)AIDS, drug abuse, and the environment.
D)None of the above areas.

If you were to apply self-enhancement bias to parenting, what would you likely find?
A)Self-enhancement does not apply to behaviors such as parenting.
B)We are likely to consider ourselves to parent about the same as other parents.
C)We are likely to consider others to be better parents than we are.
D)We are likely to consider ourselves to be better at parenting than other parents.

Why is self-enhancement bias a potential problem in survey work?
A)People are likely to frequently change their mind on survey questions with this kind of bias.
B)Since this kind of bias is a put down of others, there is a concern that serious harm can occur to others in a survey.
C)The survey results may be distorted by this bias and thus questionable.
D)Individuals who demonstrate this kind of bias may start distorting the truth in other ways and in other situations.

If 'George' were to answer a survey about honesty in taking college exams, self-enhancement bias would suggest agreement with all but which of these responses?
A)'I am more honest than most when it comes to taking exams. I would never cheat.'
B)'I am not really ever even tempted to cheat on exams.'
C)'I think I am probably guiltier of cheating on tests than most of my friends.'
D)'I think that my general honesty carries over into test taking, and I just don't think I could do it.

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