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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In some developing countries, such as Egypt, Morocco, and Zambia, a larger proportion of 4-year-olds suffer from obesity than from
A)all of these.
B)tooth decay.
In early childhood, to minimize children's problems with falling asleep, parents should
A)feed their children before bedtime to make them sleepy.
B)rock their children to sleep.
C)establish regular, consistent sleep routines for their children.
D)let their children stay up as long as they want, then wake them early in the morning to teach them the importance of going to bed on time.
Three-year-old Mariah can draw a circle and a square. She is in the _____ stage of artistic development.
The chief environmental factor associated with poor health of children and adolescents is
A)low income.
B)second-hand smoke.
C)parental divorce.
D)parental alcoholism.
Anita's parents told her she could only take one doll with her to the restaurant. It took her a long time to decide because she didn't want to hurt any of her dolls' feelings by leaving them home. According to Piaget's theory, Anita is demonstrating which limitation of thought?
C)theory of mind
According to Piaget's theory, preoperational children demonstrate their newfound mastery of symbolic function through
A)all of these.
B)pretend play.
C)deferred imitation.
D)use of language.
Christa's mom just bought her some candy shaped like Band-Aids. At first, Christa thought the candies actually were Band-Aids. Now, when her mom asks Christa what her little brother will think they are, Christa confidently replies that he will know they are candies. Piaget would say that Christa does not yet understand that others can have
A)false beliefs.
B)deferred imitation.
C)theories of mind.
D)central executives.
Today when he got to preschool, Jared remembered to put his backpack into his cubby, just like he does every day. Jared's generic memory for what happens when he arrives at preschool is a(n)
B)working memory.
C)episodic memory.
D)memory of proximal development.
Which preschooler will have the best recall of a trip to the zoo?
A)Miko, whose dad asks, "What did we see after the monkeys? Was it the elephant or the bears? Which did you like best?"
B)Jean-Claude, whose mom asks, "What did we see after the monkeys? What was it? We saw the _____."
C)All of these children will remember about equally well.
D)Nora, whose mom asks no questions, but lets Norah talk about the zoo as much as she wants.
One reason traditional psychometric tests of intelligence are controversial is because
A)the influence of family on IQ scores is well-known and can be considered when administering tests.
B)several factors can influence a particular child's score at a particular time.
C)there is widespread agreement on exactly what constitutes intelligence.
D)intelligence is an inborn, fixed characteristic that can be reliably measured.
At the start of the school year, Gary's preschool teacher guided his hand while he wrote his name with a crayon. Later, the teacher provided laminated cards with their names on them to serve as models when Gary and the other kids wrote their names. Now, the teacher just reminds them to write their names on their art works. Gary's preschool teacher followed a process called
B)proximal development.
C)fine motor development.
Which sentence would be MOST DIFFICULT for a 5-year-old child to interpret correctly?
A)Billy followed the dog.
B)Billy followed the dog because he wanted to play with it.
C)Billy was followed by the dog.
D)The dog followed Billy.
Which child is LEAST likely to become a good reader and writer?
A)Merrily, whose father has been reading to her every night since she was born
B)Ward, whose parents use simple vocabulary and directive statements when they converse with him
C)Amara, whose mother asks questions and makes comments to get Amara to elaborate on things that she says
D)Clarence, who watches Sesame Street every day
In the United States, which type of preschool is most likely to produce children who excel in basic academic skills, as well as advanced motor behavioral, and communicative skills?
A)academically directed
Research on compensatory preschool programs has found that
A)programs such as Project Head Start have helped disadvantaged children outperform middle-class children in school achievement and on standardized tests.
B)compensatory intervention programs that begin earlier and last longer provide the best results.
C)the gains children achieve in early intervention programs disappear when the children leave the program.
D)Project Head Start has not achieved any of its goals.

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