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Chapter Summary
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In this chapter, you learned that adverbs, like adjectives, modify other parts of speech. Adjectives modify only nouns and pronouns, but adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. More than one adverb may be used in a sentence. Adverbs answer the questions How? In what manner? When? Where? and To what extent?
Many adverbs are formed from adjective root words. Adverbs often end in ly although there are other adverbs that do not. Some adjectives also end in ly. Careful attention to the differences between adjectives and adverbs is necessary so that the distinction between them is clear.
Some areas concerning adverbs require additional study. These include the correct use of negative words such as not and never and the correct placement of adverbs such as only and nearly. Incorrect placements of these words can change the meaning of a sentence. Double negatives also must be avoided. Sentences with double negatives are corrected by deleting one of the negative words. The correct use of adverbs in sentences adds preciseness and clarity to written communications.

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