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Absolute adverb  An adverb that does not allow for comparisons.
Adverb clause  A group of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; has a subject and predicate but cannot stand by itself.
Circumstantial evidence  Facts offered as evidence from which other information is inferred. It is not direct evidence.
Double negative  A sentence construction in which two negative words are used in the same clause when one is sufficient.
Ethical decisions  Decisions made according to the principles of right and wrong.
Ethical dilemma  A confusing situation that requires a choice of action based upon ethics.
Ethics  A system of moral principles.
Insider trading  An illegal act of selling or buying stocks based on privileged information received before the purchase or sale.
Subordinating conjunctions  Words that introduce a dependent clause and link to an independent clause.
Value system  Determination of importance according to personal beliefs.

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