1 |  |  Endocrine glands secrete their product into _____. |
|  | A) | the bloodstream |
|  | B) | a duct |
|  | C) | an organ |
2 |  |  When pancreatic juices travel from the pancreas through the pancreatic duct to the small intestine, the pancreas is acting as an _____ gland. |
|  | A) | exocrine |
|  | B) | endocrine |
3 |  |  There are _____ types of epithelial tissues. |
|  | A) | one |
|  | B) | two |
|  | C) | three |
|  | D) | four |
4 |  |  Stratified means the tissue has layers piled one on top of the other. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
5 |  |  The respiratory tract is lined with _____ which helps sweep impurities toward the throat so they don't enter the lungs. |
|  | A) | hyaline cartilage |
|  | B) | adipose tissue |
|  | C) | pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium |
|  | D) | skeletal muscle |
6 |  |  A group of similar looking cells performing a similar function is a(n) _____. |
|  | A) | organ |
|  | B) | tissue |
|  | C) | organ system |
7 |  |  The mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus would collectively be referred to as a _____. |
|  | A) | tissue |
|  | B) | organ |
|  | C) | organ system |
8 |  |  In vertebrate animals, there are _____ major types of tissues. |
|  | A) | one |
|  | B) | two |
|  | C) | three |
|  | D) | four |
9 |  |  Body parts are bound and supported by _____ tissue. |
|  | A) | muscle |
|  | B) | connective |
|  | C) | nervous |
|  | D) | epithelial |
10 |  |  A single layer of flat cells would be called _____ epithelium. |
|  | A) | pseudostratified columnar |
|  | B) | simple cuboidal |
|  | C) | simple squamous |
|  | D) | stratified columnar |
11 |  |  In loose connective tissue, the fibroblasts are separated by a _____ matrix. |
|  | A) | jellylike |
|  | B) | rigid |
12 |  |  How are epithelial tissue cells joined to one another? |
|  | A) | tight junctions |
|  | B) | adhesion junctions |
|  | C) | gap junctions |
|  | D) | all of the above |
13 |  |  The epithelial lining of the digestive system needs to be leakproof so the cells would be joined by _____ junctions. |
|  | A) | tight |
|  | B) | adhesion |
|  | C) | gap |
14 |  |  Layers of cube-shaped cells piled on top of one another are _____ epithelium. |
|  | A) | simple squamous |
|  | B) | simple columnar |
|  | C) | pseudostratified columnar |
|  | D) | stratified cuboidal |
15 |  |  A layer of simple squamous epithelium combined with a layer of smooth muscle and some loose fibrous connective tissue that transport blood away from the heart would be a(n) _____. |
|  | A) | tissue |
|  | B) | organ |
|  | C) | organ system |
16 |  |  Cardiac muscles cells exchange ions through _____ junctions so they can all contract together. |
|  | A) | tight |
|  | B) | gap |
|  | C) | adhesion |
17 |  |  Collagen provides flexibility and strength. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
18 |  |  The outer layer of skin of most animals is formed of _____ tissue. |
|  | A) | muscle |
|  | B) | nervous |
|  | C) | epithelial |
|  | D) | connective |
19 |  |  In terrestrial vertebrates, skin cells contain _____, a substance that decreases water loss. |
|  | A) | keratin |
|  | B) | glycogen |
|  | C) | hyaline |
|  | D) | lignin |
20 |  |  Which is a function of connective tissue? |
|  | A) | lost parts regeneration |
|  | B) | fat storage |
|  | C) | blood cell formation |
|  | D) | all of the above |
21 |  |  Tendons and ligaments contain _____. |
|  | A) | adipose tissue |
|  | B) | pseudostratified columnar epithelium |
|  | C) | smooth muscle |
|  | D) | dense fibrous connective tissue |
22 |  |  Calcium salts are deposited in the matrix of _____. |
|  | A) | bone |
|  | B) | adipose |
|  | C) | nervous tissue |
|  | D) | all of the above |
23 |  |  The presence of loose fibrous connective tissue in the lungs, arteries, and urinary bladder allows these organs to expand. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
24 |  |  Which of the following is in the correct order of from the lowest level to the highest level of organization of living things? |
|  | A) | tissue, organ system, cell, organ |
|  | B) | molecule, tissue, cell, organ system |
|  | C) | cell, tissue, organ, organ system |
|  | D) | organ system, tissue, cell, molecule |
25 |  |  The thin nonliving proteinaceous layer that anchors epithelium in place is called the _____. |
|  | A) | intercellular matrix |
|  | B) | basement membrane |
|  | C) | haversian system |
|  | D) | none of the above |
26 |  |  Connective tissue cells are usually widely separated by a _____. |
|  | A) | intercellular matrix |
|  | B) | basement membrane |
|  | C) | haversian system |
|  | D) | all of the above |
27 |  |  The fibroblasts of _____ tissue enlarge and store fat which insulates and pads the body. |
|  | A) | loose fibrous connective |
|  | B) | elastic connective |
|  | C) | hyaline cartilage |
|  | D) | adipose |
28 |  |  In humans, cartilage is found _____. |
|  | A) | at the end of the nose |
|  | B) | in the trachea |
|  | C) | within intervertebral disks |
|  | D) | all of the above |
29 |  |  Some vertebrates have entire skeletons of cartilage. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
30 |  |  The central canal in a Haversian system contains _____. |
|  | A) | blood vessels |
|  | B) | nerve fibers |
|  | C) | both A and B |
31 |  |  Blood is unlike other types of connective tissue because its intercellular matrix is fluid. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
32 |  |  In vertebrates, the blood contains _____. |
|  | A) | fibroblasts |
|  | B) | osteocytes |
|  | C) | platelets |
|  | D) | all of the above |
33 |  |  Which muscle fibers are striated? |
|  | A) | skeletal |
|  | B) | smooth |
|  | C) | both A and B |
34 |  |  Smooth muscle _____. |
|  | A) | is found in the stomach |
|  | B) | is involuntary |
|  | C) | helps regulate blood pressure |
|  | D) | all of the above |
35 |  |  Cardiac muscle seems to combine features of both smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
36 |  |  Contraction of the _____ muscle is under voluntary control. |
|  | A) | cardiac |
|  | B) | skeletal |
|  | C) | smooth |
|  | D) | all of the above |
37 |  |  Nervous tissue is present in _____. |
|  | A) | the brain |
|  | B) | nerves |
|  | C) | the spinal cord |
|  | D) | all of the above |
38 |  |  Neurons have fibers called _____ which are found outside the brain and spinal cord in nerves. |
|  | A) | dendrites |
|  | B) | axons |
|  | C) | both A and B |
39 |  |  Neurons are supported, protected and nourished by a group of cells called _____. |
|  | A) | neuroglia |
|  | B) | osteocytes |
|  | C) | fibroblasts |
|  | D) | squamous cells |
40 |  |  Myelin sheaths around neuron fibers in the brain and spinal cord are formed by _____. |
|  | A) | stratified squamous epithelium |
|  | B) | osteons |
|  | C) | oligodendrocytes |
|  | D) | fibroblasts |
41 |  |  Which of the following is a function of the neuroglial cells? |
|  | A) | growth factor production. |
|  | B) | phagocytosis of bacteria. |
|  | C) | provide nutrients. |
|  | D) | both b and c. |
42 |  |  Which is the outer layer of skin? |
|  | A) | subcutaneous |
|  | B) | dermis |
|  | C) | epidermis |
43 |  |  Which of the following is a function performed by the skin? |
|  | A) | vitamin D synthesis |
|  | B) | regulation of body temperature |
|  | C) | protection from water loss |
|  | D) | all of the above |
44 |  |  Goose bumps are the result of contraction of the arrector pili muscles that are attached to the hair follicles. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
45 |  |  Hair follicles and sebaceous glands are found in the _____ layer of skin. |
|  | A) | epidermal |
|  | B) | dermal |
|  | C) | subcutaneous |
46 |  |  In the skin, the receptors for pressure, touch, temperature and pain are all the same. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
47 |  |  If sebaceous glands fail to discharge their oily secretions, whiteheads or blackheads result. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
48 |  |  Excessive development of the dermal layer of skin accompanies obesity. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
49 |  |  The dermal layer of skin contains _____. |
|  | A) | melanocytes |
|  | B) | adipose tissue |
|  | C) | keratinized cells |
|  | D) | none of the above |
50 |  |  The subcutaneous layer is composed of _____. |
|  | A) | stratified squamous epithelium |
|  | B) | adipose tissue |
|  | C) | loose connective tissue |
|  | D) | both B and C |
51 |  |  The epidermis contains _____ which produce the pigment responsible for skin color. |
|  | A) | hair follicles |
|  | B) | melanocytes |
|  | C) | Pacinian corpuscles |
|  | D) | fibroblasts |
52 |  |  The epidermis is composed of _____ epithelial tissue. |
|  | A) | pseudostratified ciliated columnar |
|  | B) | simple cuboidal |
|  | C) | stratified squamous |
|  | D) | all of the above |
53 |  |  The major portions of the digestive and excretory systems are in the _____ cavity. |
|  | A) | thoracic |
|  | B) | abdominal |
54 |  |  Some authorities call skin the _____ system. |
|  | A) | urinary |
|  | B) | lymphatic |
|  | C) | cardiovascular |
|  | D) | integumentary |
55 |  |  If you get a paper cut, the skin's ability to _____ will be compromised. |
|  | A) | regulate body temperature |
|  | B) | prevent pathogen invasion |
|  | C) | produce vitamin D |
|  | D) | protect you from UV radiation |
56 |  |  The thoracic cavity contains the _____. |
|  | A) | heart |
|  | B) | liver |
|  | C) | pancreas |
|  | D) | kidneys |
57 |  |  The same organ systems are found in all vertebrate animals. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
58 |  |  The dorsal body cavity contains the _____. |
|  | A) | spinal cord |
|  | B) | diaphragm |
|  | C) | brain |
|  | D) | both A and C |
59 |  |  The system responsible for protecting the body from disease is the ______ system. |
|  | A) | muscular |
|  | B) | endocrine |
|  | C) | immune |
|  | D) | urinary |
60 |  |  The acquisition of materials and energy is the responsibility of the _____ system. |
|  | A) | digestive |
|  | B) | skeletal |
|  | C) | muscular |
|  | D) | all of the above |
61 |  |  Which of the following will help prevent the possible occurrence of skin cancer? |
|  | A) | wearing a baseball hat. |
|  | B) | staying out of the sun from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. |
|  | C) | getting a tan with a tanning bed. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
62 |  |  Cancer causing UV-B rays are less prevalent at midday. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
63 |  |  The regulating center for body temperature is located in the _____. |
|  | A) | hypothalamus |
|  | B) | thalamus |
|  | C) | both A and B |
64 |  |  To achieve homeostasis _____ must stay within a normal range. |
|  | A) | body temperature |
|  | B) | blood pressure |
|  | C) | blood pH |
|  | D) | all of the above |
65 |  |  The _____ system maintains the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. |
|  | A) | digestive |
|  | B) | urinary |
|  | C) | respiratory |
|  | D) | immune |
66 |  |  Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) is released when blood pressure is low. ADH causes the kidneys to retain water which increases blood pressure. Then ADH decreases. This is an example of _____ feedback. |
|  | A) | positive |
|  | B) | negative |
67 |  |  Negative feedback control results in fluctuation above and below an average. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
68 |  |  During labor, oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions. Uterine contractions stimulate the continued production of oxytocin. This is an example of _____. |
|  | A) | positive |
|  | B) | negative |
69 |  |  Homeostasis is controlled by _____. |
|  | A) | the nervous system |
|  | B) | hormones |
|  | C) | both A and B |
70 |  |  When body temperature falls below normal, the regulatory center _____. |
|  | A) | directs the blood vessels of the skin to dilate |
|  | B) | directs the skeletal muscle to contract resulting in shivering |
|  | C) | activates the sweat glands |
|  | D) | all of the above |
71 |  |  A useful analogy for how a negative feedback mechanism works is the control of the heating system in a house by a thermostat. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
72 |  |  Positive feedback occurs less often than negative feedback. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
73 |  |  When body temperature is too high the blood vessels of the skin _____. |
|  | A) | dilate |
|  | B) | constrict |
74 |  |  The regulatory centers bring about a response that is opposite to present conditions with _____ feedback. |
|  | A) | positive |
|  | B) | negative |
75 |  |  The absence of homeostasis can cause an organism to die. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |