1 |  |  The senses of smell and taste depend on the presence of _____. |
|  | A) | thermoreceptors |
|  | B) | chemoreceptors |
|  | C) | photoreceptors |
|  | D) | mechanoreceptors |
2 |  |  Chemoreceptors are found only in the vertebrates. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
3 |  |  Chemical messages passed between individuals are called _____. |
|  | A) | neurotransmitters |
|  | B) | hormones |
|  | C) | pheromones |
4 |  |  In amphibians, chemoreceptors _____. |
|  | A) | locate mates |
|  | B) | detect harmful chemicals |
|  | C) | find food |
|  | D) | all of the above |
5 |  |  In insects, chemoreceptors are found largely on their feet. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
6 |  |  In humans, taste buds can be found on the _____. |
|  | A) | hard palate |
|  | B) | epiglottis |
|  | C) | tongue |
|  | D) | all of the above |
7 |  |  Sweet receptors are concentrated _____. |
|  | A) | toward the back of the tongue |
|  | B) | along the margins of the tongue |
|  | C) | near the tip of the tongue |
8 |  |  There are _____ primary types of tastes. |
|  | A) | two |
|  | B) | four |
|  | C) | six |
|  | D) | eight |
9 |  |  Chemoreception is believed to be the most primitive sense. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
10 |  |  When molecules in our food bind the receptor proteins of a taste bud, nerve impulses are generated in associated _____ nerve fibers. |
|  | A) | sensory |
|  | B) | motos |
11 |  |  Each olfactory receptor cell has olfactory cilia which bear a number of different receptor proteins for odor molecules. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
12 |  |  Aromas can arouse vivid memories because the olfactory bulbs have direct connections with the _____. |
|  | A) | occipital lobe |
|  | B) | hypothalamus |
|  | C) | cerebellum |
|  | D) | limbic system |
13 |  |  In humans, the olfactory cells are located in the roof of the nasal cavity. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
14 |  |  When you have a cold, food tastes bland because you've temporarily lost your sense of taste. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
15 |  |  Part of what we refer to as smell may actually be taste. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
16 |  |  Image forming eyes are found among _____. |
|  | A) | annelids |
|  | B) | molluscs |
|  | C) | cnidarians |
|  | D) | all of the above |
17 |  |  Compound eyes are found among _____. |
|  | A) | arthropods |
|  | B) | flatworms |
|  | C) | echinoderms |
|  | D) | roundworms |
18 |  |  Nectar guides on flowers _____. |
|  | A) | can't be seen by humans |
|  | B) | highlight the reproductive parts of the flower |
|  | C) | are seen by insects whose eyes respond to ultraviolet rays |
|  | D) | all of the above |
19 |  |  A camera-type eye is found in _____. |
|  | A) | insects |
|  | B) | planaria |
|  | C) | octopuses |
|  | D) | all of the above |
20 |  |  Among mammals, only primates have color vision. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
21 |  |  Vertebrates have a camera-type eye like those seen in certain molluscs. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
22 |  |  The presence of a camera-type eye in certain molluscs and vertebrates suggests they are closely related and the eye is the result of divergent evolution. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
23 |  |  Vision is dependent upon the presence of _____. |
|  | A) | chemoreceptors |
|  | B) | photoreceptors |
|  | C) | mechanoreceptors |
|  | D) | thermoreceptors |
24 |  |  All animals have some photoreceptors. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
25 |  |  The eyespots of planaria allow them to determine _____. |
|  | A) | the direction of light |
|  | B) | only the presence of light |
|  | C) | the intensity of light |
|  | D) | all of the above |
26 |  |  Photoreceptors generate nerve impulses which pass to the brain by way of _____ nerve fibers. |
|  | A) | motor |
|  | B) | trigeminal |
|  | C) | vagus |
|  | D) | optic |
27 |  |  The innermost layer of the human eye is the _____. |
|  | A) | sclera |
|  | B) | retina |
|  | C) | cornea |
|  | D) | choroid |
28 |  |  Only the _____ of the human eye contains photoreceptors. |
|  | A) | lens |
|  | B) | humors |
|  | C) | retina |
|  | D) | iris |
29 |  |  The _____ is like the diaphragm on a microscope since it regulates the entrance of light. |
|  | A) | lens |
|  | B) | pupil |
|  | C) | cornea |
|  | D) | iris |
30 |  |  Light is refracted by the _____. |
|  | A) | humors |
|  | B) | lens |
|  | C) | cornea |
|  | D) | all of the above |
31 |  |  The oculomotor nerve transmits impulses to the brain. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
32 |  |  Color vision is made possible by _____. |
|  | A) | rods |
|  | B) | cones |
|  | C) | both A and B |
33 |  |  The fovea centralis _____. |
|  | A) | is where vision is most acute |
|  | B) | has a high concentration of cones |
|  | C) | both A and B |
34 |  |  The choroid contains many blood vessels and pigments that absorb stray light. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
35 |  |  Which is/are part of the choroid? |
|  | A) | the iris |
|  | B) | the ciliary body |
|  | C) | both A and B |
36 |  |  The anterior compartment between the cornea and lens is filled with _____ humor. |
|  | A) | aqueous |
|  | B) | vitreous |
|  | C) | both A and B |
37 |  |  Vitreous humor fills the posterior compartment behind the lens. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
38 |  |  Rod cells _____. |
|  | A) | are very sensitive to light |
|  | B) | help us see at night |
|  | C) | don't see color |
|  | D) | all of the above |
39 |  |  When we look at something, light rays pass through the pupil and are focused on the _____. |
|  | A) | optic nerve |
|  | B) | lens |
|  | C) | retina |
|  | D) | sclera |
40 |  |  With normal aging, the lens loses its ability to accommodate for far away objects. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
41 |  |  Radial keratotomy is a treatment for glaucoma. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
42 |  |  Images form on the retina in an inverted and reversed manner. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
43 |  |  Focusing of the light starts with the _____. |
|  | A) | humors |
|  | B) | cornea |
|  | C) | lens |
44 |  |  The shape of the lens is controlled by _____. |
|  | A) | the ciliary muscle |
|  | B) | pseudostratified ciliated epithelium |
|  | C) | cardiac muscle |
|  | D) | the iris |
45 |  |  The whites of your eyes are the _____. |
|  | A) | iris |
|  | B) | choroid |
|  | C) | retina |
|  | D) | sclera |
46 |  |  Nearsighted people can have their vision corrected with a concave lens which focus the image on the retina. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
47 |  |  People who can see a near object, but have trouble seeing a size 20 letter 20 feet away are farsighted. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
48 |  |  Nearsighted people _____. |
|  | A) | often have an elongated eyeball |
|  | B) | can't see things at a distance because the image is focused in front of the retina |
|  | C) | both A and B |
49 |  |  Eyestrain from doing a lot of work close up is due to fatigue of the ciliary muscle. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
50 |  |  An astigmatism is caused by an uneven _____. |
|  | A) | cornea |
|  | B) | lens |
|  | C) | both A and B |
51 |  |  Cataracts can be easily treated with glasses that have a convex lens. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
52 |  |  The light absorbing molecule in rods is a derivative of _____. |
|  | A) | vitamin K |
|  | B) | vitamin A |
|  | C) | vitamin C |
|  | D) | vitamin E |
53 |  |  Eating carrots can improve your night vision. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
54 |  |  Cones _____. |
|  | A) | are activated by bright light |
|  | B) | allow us to see well at night |
|  | C) | provide us with peripheral vision |
|  | D) | all of the above |
55 |  |  The blind spot of your eye is the area where the optic nerve exits the retina. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
56 |  |  The blurred vision provided by the rods is result of as many as 100 rods synapsing with just one ganglion cell. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
57 |  |  Integration occurs as signals pass to _____. |
|  | A) | ganglion cells |
|  | B) | bipolar cells |
|  | C) | both A and B |
58 |  |  Synaptic integration and processing of visual information doesn't begin until nerve impulses reach the brain. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
59 |  |  Long-term exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun increases the incidence of _____. |
|  | A) | cataracts |
|  | B) | macular degeneration |
|  | C) | both A and B |
60 |  |  Any noise above 80 decibels could result in damage to the hair cells of the _____ |
|  | A) | semicircular canals |
|  | B) | spiral organ |
|  | C) | utricle |
|  | D) | saccule |
61 |  |  Which is located in the inner ear? |
|  | A) | semicircular canals. |
|  | B) | vestibule. |
|  | C) | cochlea. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
62 |  |  Earwax is produced by modified sweat glands. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
63 |  |  The middle ear is connected to the nasopharynx by the _____. |
|  | A) | auditory canal |
|  | B) | semicircular canals |
|  | C) | eustachian tube |
|  | D) | tympanic membrane |
64 |  |  Which of the following is found between the tympanic membrane and the oval window. |
|  | A) | malleus |
|  | B) | stapes |
|  | C) | incus |
|  | D) | all of the above |
65 |  |  The part(s) of the inner ear involved with hearing is/are the _____. |
|  | A) | cochlea |
|  | B) | semicircular canals |
|  | C) | vestibule |
|  | D) | tympanic membrane |
66 |  |  The volume of a noise is a function of the _____ of the sound waves. |
|  | A) | frequency |
|  | B) | amplitude |
|  | C) | both A and B |
67 |  |  Sound interpretation occurs in the auditory areas of the _____. |
|  | A) | cerebral cortex |
|  | B) | pons |
|  | C) | hypothalamus |
|  | D) | cerebellum |
68 |  |  The tone of a noise is believed to be a function of the brain's interpretation based on the distribution of hair cells stimulated. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
69 |  |  The hair cells of the spiral organ synapse with the _____ nerve. |
|  | A) | trigeminal |
|  | B) | trochlear |
|  | C) | cochlear |
|  | D) | accessory |
70 |  |  The sense receptors for sound are called the _____. |
|  | A) | utricle |
|  | B) | spiral organ |
|  | C) | saccule |
|  | D) | lateral line |
71 |  |  Statocysts found in cnidarians, molluscs, and crustaceans give information only about the position of the head. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
72 |  |  Static equilibrium depends on the _____. |
|  | A) | utricle |
|  | B) | saccule |
|  | C) | both A and B |
73 |  |  Continuous movement of fluid in the semicircular canals can cause motion sickness. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
74 |  |  The semicircular canals provide information about _____. |
|  | A) | static equilibrium |
|  | B) | dynamic equilibrium |
|  | C) | the volume of sounds |
|  | D) | the pitch of sounds |
75 |  |  The utricle and the saccule are located in the _____. |
|  | A) | middle ear |
|  | B) | vestibule |
|  | C) | cochlea |
|  | D) | semicircular canals |
76 |  |  The vestibular nerve carries impulses from the _____to the brain.. |
|  | A) | vestibule |
|  | B) | semicircular canals |
|  | C) | both A and B |
77 |  |  The ampulla in the semicircular canals each respond to head rotation in a different plane of space. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
78 |  |  The _____ of fishes allows them to detect water currents and pressure waves from nearby objects. |
|  | A) | statocysts |
|  | B) | flame cells |
|  | C) | eustachian tubes |
|  | D) | lateral line system |
79 |  |  Salmon eventually employ the sense of _________ to locate their specific breeding areas. |
|  | A) | sight |
|  | B) | hearing |
|  | C) | touch |
|  | D) | smell |