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22.1 Graphing Exercise: Immigration

Suppose each worker cares only about getting the highest wage. If information about wage differences is good and migration has no direct cost and is unimpeded by restrictive rules by either country, then migration will continue as long as the wages in the two countries are unequal. However, even in this simplified world the flow of workers will affect wage rates, GDP, and the amount of labor and capital income in each country. In this exercise, we'll explore these economic impacts of migration.

<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=gif::::/sites/dl/free/0073273090/114761/interactive_graphs_small.gif','popWin', 'width=75,height=95,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (0.0K)</a>

How does immigration affect income shares and the value of world GDP?

The applet shows the (hypothetical) aggregate demands for a particular type of labor in both the United States and Mexico. Initially, there are 80,000 workers of this type in the U.S. and 60,000 similar workers in Mexico. Notice also that the demand for labor is lower in Mexico than the U.S., perhaps reflecting differences in the domestic demands for the goods and services these workers produce or in the total amount of capital available. (In particular, pay close attention to the vertical scales of the two graphs: they are different.) These differences in the sizes of the worker pools and differences in domestic labor demand initially combine to produce lower wages in Mexico than the U.S.

To use the applet, simply click and drag the blue diamond to the left to illustrate migration of workers to the U.S. from Mexico, or to the right to show a reverse flow of workers. Wages and employment will automatically adjust to maintain equilibrium of labor supply and demand in the two countries. The graphs will illustrate changes in GDP, total labor income, and total capital income in both countries. Click on the Show gains/losses to: button to toggle between these changes in income and GDP. Note: the gain or loss to labor includes only the changes in income of those who remain at home; the incomes of migrant workers is not illustrated. However, the change in migrant worker income is easily calculated as the number of migrants multiplied by their wage gain.

  1. Starting from the initial situation, which direction of migration-from Mexico to the U.S. or from the U.S. to Mexico-will increase combined world GDP?
    See answer here
  2. Under the assumptions stated above- good information accompanied by costless and unimpeded migration, migration will continue as long as wages are different in the two countries. What is the equilibrium amount of migration between the two countries? What is the equilibrium wage in each country?
    See answer here
  3. In equilibrium, what is the impact on GDP in each of the two countries? On combined GDP?
    See answer here
  4. Is the migration-induced increase in U.S. GDP distributed evenly between U.S. workers and U.S. capital owners? Who "wins" and who "loses" in Mexico?
    See answer here
  5. Explore on your own. In general, who loses when labor migrates from a low-wage to a high-wage country?
    See answer here

McConnell, Microe 17e OLCOnline Learning Center

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