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Quiz 3
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In the U.S., most unions are concerned primarily with short-run objectives of higher pay and benefits and improved working conditions. This philosophy is known as:
A)business unionism
B)idealistic unionism
C)labor unionism
D)party unionism
The unionization rate for men is higher than for women because:
A)men have stronger preferences for the social aspects associated with unionism
B)men are the majority of the work force
C)more men than women work in industries and occupations with high unionization rates
D)more men than women work in heavily industrialized states such as New York
Which of the following best reflects the "managerial-opposition" hypothesis of union decline?
A)Within manufacturing, production has shifted towards high-tech firms
B)Industry has shifted from the Northeast and Midwest to the South
C)Government has increasingly provided union objectives, such as the standardized 40-hour week
D)Firms have increasingly employed consultants to persuade workers to vote to decertify the union
Monica accepts a job at her local supermarket and is told that within 30 days she must either join the union or donate an equivalent amount to charity. This suggests the market's union is governed by an:
A)open shop clause
B)agency shop clause
C)union shop clause
D)closed shop clause
Jorge suspects he was being denied job interviews because his potential employers, looking at his Hispanic name, believed he might be an unauthorized immigrant even though he is a legal citizen. If he is correct, Jorge has suffered from:
A)human capital discrimination
B)occupational discrimination
C)wage discrimination
D)statistical discrimination
Empirical evidence suggests that unions have:
A)raised their members' wages relative to nonunion workers but have had little impact on wages overall
B)raised their members' wages relative both to nonunion workers and the overall level of wages
C)raised their members' wages at a rate substantially higher than the rate of productivity increase
D)had little impact either on the overall level of wages or their members' wages relative to nonunion workers
The amount of work time lost as a result of strikes:
A)averages one hour per worker per week
B)understates the economic loss if nonstruck firms increase their output in response
C)understates the economic loss if production of input suppliers is disrupted
D)understates the economic loss if firms increase their output in advance of a strike
Evidence suggesting low minority representation in executive and sales positions is evidence of:
A)human capital discrimination
B)occupational discrimination
C)wage discrimination
D)employment discrimination
Affirmative action requirements:
A)are the result of the Equal Pay Act of 1963
B)were found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1996
C)were prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964
D)arose from presidential executive orders issued in 1968
Immigration of low-wage workers from the Philippines to the U.S. is typically:
A)supported by both U.S. and Filipino employers
B)supported by U.S. employers but opposed by Filipino employers
C)opposed by U.S. employers but supported by Filipino employers
D)opposed by both U.S. and Filipino employers

McConnell, Microe 17e OLCOnline Learning Center

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