Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing, 11/e
Scot Ober,
Ball State University Jack E. Johnson,
University of West Georgia Arlene Zimmerly,
Los Angeles City College
ISBN: 0073372196 Copyright year: 2011 Feature Summary
ONE SOFTWARE. ONE SYSTEM. ONE SOLUTION.Integrated System - Together, the book and software systematically lead students through each lesson.
- Cohesive system to provide an easy path to success.
Online Software - New! Online functionality. Same program, now Web-based!
- Greater accessibility for use at home, in class, and in labs – perfect for distance learning!
- Easy-to-use interface.
- Seamless updates with no user action required.
- Automatic keyboarding and formatting error scoring.
Skillbuilding - MAP+ (Misstroke Analysis and Prescription) an individualized, diagnostic tool built into software.
- New! Unlimited drill lines – MAP+ now begins at Lesson 1.
- Individualized skillbuilding in every lesson.
- Enrichment skillbuilding lessons available for Lessons 1-20.
- More intensive practice on the ten-key numeric keypad.
Language Arts - A critical document processing skill systematically covered in short, easy-to-grasp exercises.
- Includes punctuation, usage, proofreading, composing, and spelling coverage.
- Incorporated throughout Lessons 21-120 with increasing difficulty.
- Interactive instruction, practice, application, and feedback for immediate reinforcement.
Document Processing - Automatic scoring of key stroking and formatting errors.
- Emphasis on word processing as an enabling (rather than a terminal) skill.
- Separate, keep-for-reference Word Manual.
- Streamlined formatting standards.
- Built-in Reference Manual in text and software, consistent with The Gregg Reference Manual.
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