Contributors and ReviewersAs a book is the product of many experiences, it is also the product of people other than the authors. We extend many thanks to our friends and colleagues who have graciously answered our questions and provided us with information and access to their photo files. We owe very special thanks to faculty, staff, and students of the School of Oceanography and to students from the School of Aquatic and Fisheries Science, both within the College
of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. They have answered numerous questions, shared data, and provided insights into how to convey concepts presented in this
edition. We are also grateful to Scripps Institution of Oceanography, which has allowed us the privilege of providing their videotape series as an instructor ancillary to this tenth edition
of the text.
We would particularly like to thank the following people who authored the Field Notes boxes in this edition:
Field Notes for the Tenth Edition
Virginia Armbrust, University of Washington
Eddie Bernard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Christopher Brown, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
David Clague, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
John Delaney, University of Washington
Marcia McNutt, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
LuAnne Thompson, The Oceans and Climate Change
Ian Young, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Thanks are also extended to the reviewers who provided their thoughtful comments and suggestions for the tenth edition:Reviewers for the Tenth Edition
Douglas Biggs, Texas A & M University
Istvan Csato, Collin College
Huan Feng, Montclair State University
Willam Hoyt, University of Northern Colorado
Kevin Johnson, Florida Institute of Technology
Greta Mackenzie, University of Miami |