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Extra Reading 1
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"The Future of Advertising Is Here." David H. Freeman.


Pre-reading Question

1) Has an Internet advertisement or piece of spam ever led you to buy the product being pitched? If not, what would it take for Net ads to influence you?

Journal Topics

1) How do you feel about advertising? Does it annoy you? Is it easy to ignore? Does it go too far, or do you think it's funny and clever sometimes and almost enjoy it? How much of your time do you think it eats up?

Question for Critical Thought

1) According the article, "[e]merging now are powerful 'behavioral targeting' services that can track what an individual clicks on and looks at across a range of sites over the course of weeks and months, making it possible to build a detailed profile of that person's interests, purchases, and preferences." This type of tracking and "spy ware" that loads itself onto your computer to track your Net movement is spreading. Is this a legitimate way for advertisers to find out information, or is this an invasion of your privacy and rights?

Suggestion for Personal Research

1) Over the course of a week, keep a log of "non-traditional" forms of advertising that you see. These could be ads on the floors at grocery stores, seen on computer displays while you are waiting in line, or even advertising links that pop up based on the content of an email message. At the end of the week, what are your thoughts about this? Are there more "subversive" ads in the world than you thought, or fewer?

Vocabulary Terms

viral (advertising)

Terms for Clarification

ROI. Rate of Return. In investments, it refers to the amount of money an investor gets back after his initial investment. A low ROI means you invested a lot of money but got very little back.

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