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Jennifer Lee
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I Think, Therefore IM


This link will take you to a biography and photo of the author. The website also has info about and excerpts from Lee's book The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, as well as the author's own blog.

This coverage of Lee's lecture at Medill journalism program at Northwestern University talks about why she became a journalist and how she has succeeded in the field.

To watch Lee speak about her book, the history of Chinese food in America and around the world, and her own motivations for writing about it, check out this short video promoting her May 2008 appearance on the Charlie Rose show.


Do you think parents, as well as teachers, should be concerned with teenagers using this new language? Here's an article that suggests so.

Lee's article discusses how text messaging and internet slang is being used in students' formal academic writing. This report from National Public Radio says that the same is happening in teenagers' spoken words. Click below to listen to the full story or read a summary.

This article from the Columbia University School of Journalism website claims that using the word "like" as a filler word in conversation has gone from being a teenage phenomenon to a more universal practice. Do you think the same is possible with text messaging and internet slang, or is this way of speaking just a passing fad?


For more articles by Jennifer Lee, check out this New York Times archive of her work.

This Barnes and Noble product information page has reviews of and excerpts from Lee's book. Lee's biography here mentions that she is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. How might her bilingualism have affected her article about changes in the English language?

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