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John Grisham
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Boxers, Briefs, and Books


For a look into Grisham's personal and professional life, click through the links on Grisham's Web site.

See and hear Grisham speak about his hopes, his dreams, and his high school English teacher.

Here is a link to a collection of images of Grisham.


Many of Grisham’s novels have been adapted into film.

William Faulkner and John Grisham: two famous writers associated with Oxford, Mississippi. But the similarity ends there. Faulkner was reportedly gruff and stand-offish. Grisham is a local favorite son, so well liked that he and his wife awoke one morning to a couple saying their wedding vows in front of his house.

Like William Faulkner, Grisham writes about "the human heart in conflict with itself." Grisham's Ford County is often compared loosely to Faulkner's fictional Yoknapatawpha County.

Visit Square Books in Oxford, one of only a few bookstores willing to host a book signing for Grisham when he was an unknown writer trying to promote his first novel, A Time to Kill.

Two of Grisham's favorite authors are John Steinbeck and John LeCarre. Grisham is particularly fond of LeCarre's novel, Little Drummer Girl.


John Grisham is breaking into new territory in his writing. He has begun a series of books for kids about a "precocious amateur lawyer."

Grisham’s short stories have been received less well than his novels.

Grisham's body of work is sizeable, now. Of interest, as well, is a list of the books Grisham recommends.

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