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Gloria Naylor
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A Word’s Meaning (Mixing Patterns)


To explore Naylor's work in a social and cultural context, consult this directory on African American literature; it will lead you to a variety of sites dealing with this subject.

To brush up your knowledge about American women's contributions to Civil Rights Movement, read this essay. What does it say about Naylor? Would you use this article as a source when writing a research paper?

This page has some information about a video series called In Black and White: Six Profiles of African American Authors. One of them is Gloria Naylor. How would you find out if your library owns the series?


Are you interested in reading more by Naylor? The first chapter of her novel The Men of Brewster Place is available on the New York Times website. (Free Registration Required.)

The New York Times also features reviews of The Men of Brewster Place (1998) and Naylor's earlier novel The Women of Brewster Place (1982). Do these reviews make you curious about reading the books? What issues do the reviewers seem most concerned with? What patterns do they use in their writing?
The Men of Brewster Place :
The Women of Brewster Place:

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