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Thomas L. Friedman
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Generation Q


Visit Thomas L. Friedman's official website for a detailed bio, a photograph of the author, and links to his books and articles.

In this interview with NPR's Terry Gross, Thomas Friedman talks about a 2006 trip to Israel, Jordan, and Syria—and about his book The World is Flat: A Brief History of the 21st Century. Click here to listen.

For an in-depth look at Friedman, his positions, and his commitment to the "green revolution," watch this hour-long interview with the writer on Charlie Rose.


Would you characterize your generation as "quiet" about national and international issues? When "Generation Q" was published, many members of the so-called 'Quiet' Generation responded to what one blogger called Friedman's "attack on the Millennials." You can read a series of discussions about "Generation Q" at the Future Majority blog.

Huffington Post blogger Megan Merry also responded to Friedman's essay with this article: "Quiet? Maybe. Complacent? Never."

Friedman's fellow New York Times columnist David Brooks shares his take on the current generation of 20-somethings in "The Odyssey Years." In this op-ed piece, Brooks puts a positive spin on the relatively new trend of "wandering"—trying out different jobs and partners between graduating from college and settling into a career and family.


Friedman's foreign affairs and opinion columns in the New York Times are syndicated to over 100 newspapers. Read a sample, "Start Up the Risk Takers," here:
And find an index with links to all of his NYT columns and videos here:

Click here to hear a preview from Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Friedman's book about America's role in the green revolution.

This brief video preview to Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Friedman focuses on the benefits, for liberals and conservatives alike, of adopting clean power.

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