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Anna Quindlen
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Turning the Page


Browse through Anna Quindlen's Web site for information on her life and her work.

Quindlen's publisher, Random House, also houses a Web site on this author.

Read about Anna Quindlen's favorite books, her writing habits, and more in this goodreads interview.


Quindlen refers to Sven Birkerts's book, The Gutenberg Elegies. Reading an excerpt or two from his book may illuminate the point Quindlen makes in paragraph 6 of her essay.

Interested in becoming a cell-phone novelist? Chaco has been called the Danielle Steel of cell-phone novelists. Read about what is happening in Japan. For fun, take a look at Magic iLand.

While you may have seen one of the adaptations of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, you may enjoy reading the story as well. Meet Tiny Tim in his original form.

Is the book dead or alive? Peter Osnos addresses the question in an article in The Atlantic Monthly. Harvard professor and university librarian Robert Darnton addresses the same question and calls the notion that the book is dead a myth.

The Game Change is another book Quindlen includes in paragraph three of her essay. Here is an excerpt.


Anna Quindlen is a sought-after commencement speaker. Much like her nonfiction, she motivates, inspires, and moves her listeners. Enjoy the selected commencement addresses below:

Grinnell College May 2011

Barnard Commencement May 2010 – address as Chair of the Board of Trustees

The Villanova Speech – never delivered; speech text

Colby College May 2006

Barnard College May 2005 - address as Chair of the Board of Trustees: "Be Not Afraid"

Many people enjoy reflecting upon quotes from well-known figures. Anna Quindlen's words can give rise to many potentially powerful essays.

"Turning the Page" was published in Newsweek as a "Last Word" column. Quindlen no longer writes that column, but The Daily Beast makes available many of her essays originally published in Newweek.

For additional material on Anna Quindlen, please see Chapter 11.

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