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Malcolm X
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Prison Studies


At the official website of Malcolm X, you can find a biography of his life as well as a chronological timeline. The site also has photos, quotes, and an extensive list of books and videos for further study. photos

Check out Encyclopedia Britannica's account of X's life, complete with photographs, video clips, and links to info about important people and movements during his life.


Click on the link below to view an Internet Movie Database trailer for Spike Lee's 1992 film Malcolm X. How does watching clips from the film compare to reading excerpts from X's autobiography? In our current, digital age, do you think reading is as potentially powerful as when Malcolm was alive?

Curious about what is being read in U.S. prisons? In 2002, the Jail Library Group, a charity organization that collects and distributes "reading materials to the residents of jails in Dane County, Wisconsin," posted this "Most Wanted" list. (Note: dictionaries are the number one item!)

Before he was assassinated in 1965, Malcolm X was a major contributor to the Civil Rights Movement. For more info on this important part of American history, check out CNN's timeline and articles about important events past and present.


"Prison Studies" is an excerpt from the book Autobiography of Malcolm X, which X co-wrote with Alex Haley. Check out this link to a page from to read another excerpt from this book.

Click on this link to the Malcolm X Project at Columbia University website to listen to excerpts from X's many famous speeches. Explore the site further to watch archival footage, interviews of scholars about X and his legacy, as well as a thorough biography and list of additional readings (many of which can be downloaded).

If you're interested in Malcolm X's speeches, offers transcripts so you don't miss a word.

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