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Jebediah Purdy
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Shades of Green


In this 2006 interview with the Washington Post, Purdy discusses what it was like being known as the author of "the book that dissed Seinfeld." The book in question, For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today, was the subject of a brief media frenzy when it published during Purdy's second year of law school. He was twenty-four at the time.

Purdy currently teaches environmental, property, and constitutional law at Duke Law School, where he joined the faculty in 2004. The school's website features a detailed bio, a photo of the writer/professor, and links to his course descriptions.


What are the qualities of a "green" college campus, and what makes one greener than another? This New York Times article takes a look at the schools ranked greenest by the Princeton Review.

This Wired article argues that technology is crucial to the new environmental movement's goals, its popularity, and its ultimate success.

Take this quiz to calculate your carbon footprint and learn how to decrease it.


Read this 2007 Guardian article, "Intellectual Climate Change," to learn why Purdy is optimistic about our ability to engage with and combat global warming.

Here is Purdy's comprehensive bibliography, which lists his books, essays, scholarly articles, and newspaper publications; there is also a link to his curriculum vitae.

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