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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge, On the Job
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A patient has just reported to the laboratory for a reticulocyte count. Both the absolute number and the percentage of reticulocytes have been requested. What will the physician learn directly from these reports?
You have just received a request for a Westergren sed rate. What equipment and reagents will you need? How long will it take? What units are the results reported in?
A patient in the clinic where you work has the following blood parameters: RBC of 4.1 million/mm3, Hgb of 6.4 g/dL, and Hct of 25 percent. Calculate the erythrocyte indices for this patient and make a tentative diagnosis.
The physician has requested a platelet count for a patient. You counted 162 platelets using the direct method (dilution = 1:100). What platelet count will you report to the physician?
You just performed a reticulocyte count for a patient who has an RBC count of 3,500,000. You observed 43 reticulocytes out of 1,000 erythrocytes on the smear. What is the percent of reticulocytes? What is the absolute number of reticulocytes?

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